Edited ✔️
I haven't updated in a while. Right now it's like 7:00 am. I actually got up early to do this :) please enjoy, and I will post another chapter very soon to make up for this big delay!
The sun was rising fast, and it was almost dawn when Icetail and his patrol got back to camp. Most cats were already starting to wake up. He looked around and spotted Sparrowheart sharing tongues with Brightstar right beside the leader's den. He padded up to them with Ashtail at his heels. Flameheart went straight for the medicine den.
"Hi Brightstar," he said with respect, dipping his head to both the leader and deputy.
Brightstar stopped sharing tongues with Sparrowheart. "Oh, hi Icetail. How was the patrol?"
"The patrol was okay," Ashtail interjected. "But something rather urgent happened."
"It wasn't that urgent!" called Rainwhisker, who was close by with Petalfur as she placed away the vole that she caught earlier.
Brightstar nodded. "Okay. Go on."
"We were having a normal night patrol—clearing out the brambles and sticks from the other night's storm, strengthening our borders—but then the earth crippled beneath Flameheart. Now there's a hole in the ground near MarshClan," Icetail informed.
"It looked more like a tunnel since it was so dark," Ashtail interrupted.
Sparrowheart looked up, interest flickering in his eyes. "Really?" he asked. "Well, that sounds dangerous. Another cat can fall in. Is Flameheart okay?"
"I'm fine!" called Flameheart from the medicine den.
Brightstar sighed. "I guess you should arrange a patrol to check out the inside," she told Sparrowheart.
"On it," Sparrowheart said. "Icetail, you go on it, okay? Since you know where it is, after all. And take Squirrelpaw with you since he's small, and . . . how about Sharpfang?"
Icetail's ears flattened. "Why them two?" he asked. His paws shuffled uncomfortably.
"Squirrelpaw will be better at fitting through small spaces, and Sharpfang is a good fighter; a good claw to a paw," Sparrowheart replied, with a twitch to his whiskers at the last statement. Icetail almost rolled his eyes.
Brightstar nodded of approval. "It's a good patrol. Report to me as soon as you get back."
"Okay," Icetail found himself murmuring. He wasn't thrilled to be going out with Sharpfang, but the bigger problem was how dark and mysterious that hole was. "What if it isn't as dangerous as we think it to be?"
"Then come back to camp, flea-brain," Dewfang meowed, thumping Icetail's head with his paw. "Hey, brother."
Icetail turned abruptly. "Oh, hi," he said, startled. "Where did you come from?"
Dewfang motioned to the warriors den. "I heard some action going on in my sleep. Everything okay?" He looked between Sparrowheart and Brightstar.
"Everything's fine—" Icetail began, but his father cut him off.
"Go lead a patrol in MarshClan later on," Sparrowheart said to Dewfang. "Take careful warriors with you and make sure you avoid the spot where the ground crippled."
"Where's that suppose to be?" asked Dewfang. "Is this what the fuss is about?"
"It's near MarshClan, but on our territory," Ashtail said. "Like Sparrowheart said."
Sparrowheart flicked his tail dismissively. "Go on. I have things to do," he meowed. "We haven't got all day."
Icetail nodded and padded away. He headed over to Sharpfang, who was stretching in the warm sun. "Sharpfang?" he asked.

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...