Edited ✔️
Hello :D I hope this longer chapter makes up for the past few shorter ones. I never do one and a half pages, really. Makes me uncomfortable. I prefer to write more . . . well, anyways, enjoy chapter twenty five! And wow I got this up in less time than I expected it to be up.
The vast view from the mountain had Icetail captured.
He had an overview of the camp and of the entire forest from even though it was hard to see clearly. He could even see beyond—he could see StreamClan's willow tree, DarkClan's forest, and the large moor where CloudClan resided. He pressed closer to Squirrelpaw in shock.
Icetail's thoughts snapped at the sound of Sharpfang's voice. "Squirrelpaw, come on, we have to find something to eat," said the grumpy senior warrior. "Icetail, perhaps because of your breathing you should look around for a shelter?"
"You think we'll stay the night?" questioned Icetail. "And who put you in charge?"
"Yes, we are stating the night because we are all tired, Icetail," Sharpfang growled in response. "Don't cause a scene. I am doing what's best. Besides, Brightstar didn't really appoint you as the patrol leader, either."
"Nor did she to you," retorted Icetail.
"Um, I'll go ahead. . ." said Squirrelpaw awkwardly, not wanting to be part of the drama.
"Whatever," muttered Sharpfang, stalking away.
Icetail sighed and went an opposite direction. He wanted to find a place to rest, but not because Sharpfang told him to. He wanted to see if he could rest, and maybe dream about the prophecy again. For a few moments, Icetail weakly walked around in search of any sort of refuge, until he heard a low rustle.
He stopped in his place. "Who's there?" He stood straighter despite the pain in his chest.
Slowly, a young she-cat emerged from out of the bushes. She had beautiful off-white fur and glimmering yellow eyes that pierced into Icetail's gaze. There was also a small but noticeable tear in her ear. She stood face-to-face with Icetail, her ears slightly drawn back in a defensive stance.
"Wh-who are you?" she demanded. She was obviously around the age of an apprentice. Perhaps a little older than Squirrelpaw and Silverpaw, but much younger than Icetail.
"I'm a Clan cat," he explained calmly. "I came from a tunnel that led up here."
Her eyes widened. "So you must have known the way to find us here! Someone must have told you, right?"
There are cats that live up here? he thought with surprise. I thought the mountain was dangerous!
Icetail shook his head in response to the stranger's sudden excitement. "I came from the forest down below, the one you see at the base of the mountain. A tunnel appeared in the ground, you see, and we went to investigate. But somehow, the tunnel ended up leading here. We'd gotten lost."
"That sounds terrible! Maybe you'd like to meet some of my family. They could certainly help you."
He thought for a moment. So it's true! The mountain wasn't desolate. But what if the cats who lived here were hostile? Icetail feared not ever coming back to MoonClan at all, leaving Brightar and the rest of the Clan in the darkness. If he didn't find his way back, then they'd certainly end up going through the tunnels like he did. He couldn't let that happen. Besides, as he observed the young she-cat, he decided she was friendly enough to trust.

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...