Edited ✔️
Hi :D new chapter. So anyways, don't be confused on who Mistyleaf is. She is the StreamClan queen that was mentioned in the previous chapter. On to the story!
As usual, Icetail kept quiet about his dream the next day. Brightstar woke him up early, just at the peak of dawn. Yesterday, the night was all about Sparrowheart, but today, the Mistyleaf and Thornheart's problem was to be situated. He could tell by the way Brightstar looked at the two.
They gathered up in the leader's den with Sharpfang there as well. Thornheart sat behind the warriors, shame radiating off his pelt from Brightstar's lecture. Icetail felt bad, but he had to remind himself that Thornheart broke the warrior code, and matters like this could not be taken lightly.
Brightstar sighed and sat down on her nest, letting her tail rest to the side. "I need everyone's thoughts and opinions about Mistyleaf," she began. "By far, all we know is that she's from StreamClan. She didn't tell me if she ran away for good, or if it was just brief. All I know is they're probably missing her as much as we missed Thornheart."
Deep down, Icetail wasn't all-too drawn to this topic of conversation. All he could think about were the words Featherbreeze's calm and gentle voice had told him in his dream: We must not become a monster in order to defeat a monster.
"If she won't tell us, I think we should go to Lakestar and speak with him personally," said Sharpfang, not realizing that Icetail wasn't paying too much attention. "Her Clanmates most likely don't know where she could've went."
"That's true enough," Brightstar murmured. "Icetail, any thoughts or opinions?"
He immediately looked up. "What?" He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Brightstar. There was something in my mind." As his voice trailed off, he felt guilty for not listening too much.
"We were talking about what we should to with the queen," Brightstar explained, not seeming to mind at all. "You're good with ideas. Perhaps you have something on your mind about it?"
Icetail shrugged. "Well, if you don't mind then. I was thinking that we should meet with Lakestar and his deputy later at sunhigh by the borders. We could take Thornheart and Mistyleaf with us, and we can talk there. Things could be discussed easiest that way." He looked back and forth between his leader and Sharpfang. "Is this idea good enough?"
"That sounds fine," Brightstar meowed. "Sharpfang?"
"Sure. It won't hurt to try," Sharpfang responded.
"Okay," Icetail said. "We must choose two cats to pass on the message."
"Then the plan is settled," meowed MoonClan's leader. Her short tail flicked. "Get right on that, Sharpfang. And Icetail, everyone is waking up by now. It might be a good time to start sending out patrols."
"Yes, Brightstar," Icetail said.
* * *
After Icetail was done sending out all the borders patrols and hunting patrols for the morning, he decided that he would teach Amberpaw how to hunt before sunhigh came. He gathered up his own hunting patrol, taking Flameheart and Nightrose along with him, and went by the CloudClan borders.
He remembered the battle that happened here long ago between DarkClan, CloudClan and MoonClan when he finally made it to his destination. Even though it was a bad memory, he couldn't help but recall how terrible he and Sharpfang used to act towards each other.
Amberpaw eagerly ran up to Icetail, catching him from his thoughts. "What are you going to teach me today?" she meowed eagerly. "Catching rabbits? Squirrels? Birds?"

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...