Edited ✔️
a/n yes, it is true you may recognize something from Bluestar's Prophecy here. When I wrote this chapter over a year ago, I had just finished reading Bluestar's prophecy and I realized how similar Icepaw and Bluestar's feelings were because they went though something similar. So thus, I took inspiration from the real warriors series, but I only did it this once. Don't be mad because I never did it again XD (sorry:,)) I swear it was just this one time. Anyways, on with the chapter.
Icepaw chased after the squirrel he was after. It scurried up the tree, and he leaped after it, clawing the bark hard with his claws as he scrambled up the tree. It's fluffy gray tail was last seen as it entered a hole, too small for him to fit. He growled to himself, thinking, Mouse dung!
Icepaw released his grip on the bark and slid backward down the trunk of the naked dead oak tree. The squirrel had been too quick for him and already had disappeared in it's safe cozy nest, where no predator would be able to catch it. He was angry at himself for missing such an important piece of food.
He sighed as he got to the bottom, his paws instantly sinking into the thick snow on the forest floor. A moon ago or so, snow had already begun to fall and MoonClan wasn't at their best with prey. That squirrel was just another loss for his Clanmate's hunger—he cursed at himself for that.
Fireshade laughed a bit and ducked as snow fell from the branches of the trees. "Don't worry, Icepaw!" he called down to the apprentice. He was climbing up another tree. "Squirrels are harder to catch in thick snow."
Well obviously! Icepaw thought angrily as he sniffed the air for more prey. Why does Fireshade and the other mentors treat me like Ashtail gave me no training?
He wished that he had Ashtail back, but his old mentor was still in the medicine den. He never treated Icepaw like he was stupid. He knew very well that Icepaw could hunt and knew about the prey and the weathers. Mousetail and Sparrowheart always said that it was good since he'd learn from three different cats with three different experiences, but that wasn't true. They'd never pay as much attention to him, and more to their other apprentices. They treated him like he didn't matter.
Icepaw kept sniffing the air, and caught a whiff of mouse. It wasn't much, but it was something. He crouched down, making sure he was low to the ground. His belly touched the cold frosty floor of the snow, and he stalked forward, tracking the delicious scent of prey. If only he had caught that squirrel, MoonClan would do the tiniest bit better.
He heard the squeaks of the mice under a tiny burrow in the tree. The bark looked easy enough to rip through and snatch them up. Perhaps there were more than just two merely scrawny mice in there? Icepaw hoped as walked towards it, their scent and sounds became louder.
Maybe his paw would fit inside the hole? He didn't know what to do to get them out of there, but as soon as he got to the burrow, he forced the bark to rip from the oak tree, and spotted three mice about to leap out of the entrance past Icepaw. They were headed for the snow.
Not if a hungry MoonClan apprentice can help it! he growled in his mind, snatching one up with his claws. It was instantly dead, pierced in the belly by Icepaw. He went for the other and bit down hard on it's neck, also careful so he couldn't let the blood run through and out. Icepaw snatched the last one as well and looked down at the three mice in pride. They were small, but at least something.
Mousetail arrived, holding a small gray squirrel in his mouth. "Impressive catch, Icepaw," he complimented, setting down his own prey. "This hunt is doing well."
Icepaw shrugged, not replying. He stalked towards a bush and buried them in a small hole he can easily remember. He didn't want to forget where he put his prey in this time of weather. Dawnpaw had also caught something. By the look of it, she carried a plump starling in her mouth, proud with her catch.

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...