Edited ✔️
It's been moons since the last outbreak of DarkClan and MoonClan.
Icetail sighed, sitting as the night guard right outside their camp. His eyes were wide open as he listened intently on the forest he'd come to love in his long moons. His paws shuffled uncomfortably as he sat guard. Volefur sat on the other side, his tail flicking impaitently as they waited for the sun to rise.
Icetail noticed his Clanmate's head beginning to drop of exhaustion. "Volefur!" he whisper-called. "Are you okay, Volefur?"
Volefur drowsily looked up. "Yes . . . yes, I'm fine, Icetail." He gave a long, silent yawn. "I'm just tired. It's nothing."
"Just don't fall asleep," Icetail warned. Volefur rolled his eyes and returned his gaze out in the forest, but his head began to drop again. "Volefur!"
Volefur's head bobbed up. "What!"
"Don't fall asleep," Icetail reminded him. "Hey, why don't you walk around camp? We might be here for a little longer. And if you fall asleep, Brightstar won't be pleased."
Volefur gave a long sigh. "Alright, I will," he meowed, getting up from his position. He began to pad away, and disappeared at the end of the bramble thickets. But a few moments later, he did not return.
Is that lazy furball sleeping again? Icetail thought with annoyance. A few more moments, Volefur returned, with his jaws wide open in yet another yawn. Icetail sighed and returned his gaze back to the forest as Volefur gave another lap around the camp.
A cat emerged from the camp entrance. "Icetail," greeted Sparrowheart. "Your turn is over. Hey, where is Volefur?" He looked around.
"Volefur was sleepy so he began to walk around," informed Icetail.
Sparrowheart nodded. "Ah, how wise of him." He gave a little chuckle. "I see your bursting with energy, though, Icetail."
Icetail shrugged. "I had to stay in camp all day yesterday because Vinetail said so. Got a few thorns stuck in my paw. Rest was good for me." He gave a long sigh. "Sweetpaw said I was fine but Vinetail is such a cautious cat."
"Yeah," agreed Sparrowheart. "Hey, why don't you lead the night patrol? You seem rather lively and dynamic."
"Sure, Sparrowheart," mewed Icetail to his father.
Volefur emerged from the other end of the thickets once more. "I don't have to go on this patrol or anything, right?" he asked with yet another yawn.
"No, you can sleep. You had a long night," Sparrowheart said kindly. "Icetail, why don't you go ahead and choose who you want to take with you?" He motioned inside camp. "Dawnstripe and Dewfang have the next shift. Brightstar wants all the young cats on watch tonight, I suppose."
"Okay." Icetail got up from his spot, and stretched his legs. "Where is the patrol headed to?"
"Up near MarshClan." Sparrowheart then turned to Volefur. "Go on ahead to sleep."
Volefur gratefully nodded. "Thank you!" he meowed, padding into camp. Icetail followed after him, and Sparrowheart was the last to enter back into the camp. They were immediately greeted by Dawnstripe and Dewfang, but Volefur didn't bother saying hi back and headed straight for the warriors den. Icetail followed. Every cat was asleep, their chests gently rising and falling, rising and falling.
He noticed Rainwhisker stir in his nest and padded over, nudging the young tom with his nose. "Hey, Rainwhisker," Icetail said in a low voice.
Rainwhisker stirred again, and his amber eyes opened up. "Hmm?"

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...