Edited ✔️
By the morning, Icetail returned to camp, a little tired. It was barely dawn, so he was grateful for that as he and Sharpfang silently padded in the camp. Sweetheart, Silverleaf, Graywing and Sagepelt were all awake, quietly sharing tongues with each other and talking softly.
Their Clanmates were all still asleep, and those who idled around the clearing tried to remain as quiet as possible. He immediately caught Silverleaf's concerned gaze as he emerged through the camp entrance.
"There you two are!" she meowed with concern, padding up to his side. "I woke up and realized you were gone, and I was worried for a moment, Icetail . . ."
"Sharpfang and I were just looking around for good places to hunt," he lied, turned to the senior warrior. "CloudClan might be good. I should send a patrol there soon."
"Wait, Icetail," Silverleaf said. Icetail turned to her and looked down to her blue eyes. "Yesterday when you said you already ate, you really didn't, did you? I asked Sweetheart if you two shared prey, but she said no."
Icetail guiltily looked down. "Sorry. You and Dawnstripe looked hungry, I can't just let that pass."
"You're hungry too," she mewed, "I would've given you the prey. You know that."
"I'm fine," Icetail said. "Don't worry about me. I'll catch myself something to eat soon. I'm not that hungry, anyways."
Silverleaf searched his gaze, concerned. "Okay . . ."
He nodded. "Want to patrol with me today?"
"Sure," she meowed. "I'll start waking every cat up."
She gave him one last look of concern before making her way to the warriors den. He watched her as she gently woke her brother, Squirreltail, first, and then she went on to Redsky and the other warriors. He turned to Sagepelt and Sharpfang. The two were silently talking as they padded to the nursery.
Icetail sighed and looked at Sweetheart. "How's Swiftbreeze and Fireshade?" he asked the medicine cat, worried. He didn't want any more of his Clanmates to die.
"They're both getting better," Sweetheart murmured. "Come, want to see them? I've given them both medicine for whitecough in case it develops, and they seem to be improving. But if I had more herbs though, they'd be healing much quicker."
"We'll need to send out an herb-collecting patrol soon," Icetail commented. He looked inside the medicine den to see Swiftbreeze and Fireshade. The two were talking to each other, not looking that sick anymore. Though, every once in a while, Swiftbreeze would cough while Fireshade sniffled.
They seem to be recovering, he thought.
Grayfur padded up beside Icetail. "Can I lead a patrol?" she asked. "Silverleaf woke almost every cat."
"Sure," he replied. "Lead a border patrol by StreamClan. You can pick any cats you want to take."
Grayfur nodded and went to the warrior's den, already choosing three other warriors to take with her: Ashtail, Redsky and Hawkheart. Icetail went to the center of the clearing, and called everyone out of their dens when he saw that they were awake to assign the dawn patrols.
"Dawnstripe," Icetail meowed, "take your apprentice and a few other cats with you to DarkClan's borders to mark. You know what to do when you see them; make sure you do not engage, no matter what. Can you also call the watch patrol back to camp?"
"Sure," Dawnstripe said. "Come on, Goldenpaw, we're going on a patrol. Shiningmoon, you should come with me. The less cats there'll be, the easier it is to hide."

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...