Edited ✔️ by JackMccannon
The next morning, Icepaw's eyes slowly opened. He could see that all of his denmates weren't there. He was alone. Slowly getting up, the warm dawn air hit Icepaw's gray fur. He could tell it was ruffled and little moss pieces clung to it. Then, he remembered that he'd be doing apprentice duties today. He heaved a deep sigh, picking out the pieces of moss that clung on to him.
As he licked his ruffled fur, he thought that all he wanted to do today was rest. Yesterday's training really pushed past his own limits, and all of his muscles were sore. He wondered if Dewpaw felt the same way.
The moment his head lifted, he noticed that a cat was approaching the apprentice den. Icepaw made out that the scent was his mentor. Ashtail stopped at the entrance of the den and peered inside, to see his apprentice grooming his fur on his nest. For a moment, Icepaw pretended not to notice his mentor and continued to lick his fur, until Ashtail cleared his throat.
"Time to start your apprentice duties," he finally said. The young apprentice gave out a sad sigh. "Don't worry, it won't be too bad."
Icepaw nodded, walking out of his den followed by a long stretch. "So," he began with a yawn. "What are we going to start on? Cleaning the elder's den? Getting water?" I can't believe I have to do any of these things, he angrily thought. Hunting and fighting should be more important!
"No, we're moss collecting with Volepaw," he meowed. Icepaw nodded, and then he could see the larger apprentice talking to his sister, Sweetpaw, in the medicine den.
"Let's go, then," Icepaw murmured, slowly walking out of the medicine den. "Where did Mousetail and Dewpaw go, anyway?"
Ashtail shrugged. "I think they went on a border patrol to DarkClan. Those nasty furballs are always getting their scents over the border on purpose." He began padding forward, and Icepaw's tail drooped. Dewpaw is going on a border patrol, while I'm stuck here to collect moss? he thought with utter disbelief. I wanted to see the territory more!
Icepaw's tail flicked angrily as he followed Ashtail to the medicine den. He didn't want to do such apprentice duties when his talents could be trained and sharpened and put to use elsewhere. He wanted to learn how to hunt and do border patrols and learn the territory. He felt that it was unfair, and he envied Dewpaw.
As they reached the medicine den, Icepaw could see Sweetpaw's beautiful pelt as she rushed around the den. She appeared to be sorting herbs, mosses and leaves of all kinds as she talked with Volepaw. Icepaw was impressed at her multitasking skills. He realized it must be a hard job to be a medicine cat, with all that remembering and additional set of rules she was required to follow.
Finally, Sweetpaw stopped and noticed Ashtail and Icepaw standing and waiting. "Volepaw," she mumbled through a mouth of herbs. "Look, your patrol is here. Go on, I have to get this organized before Vinetail returns . . ."
Volepaw whirled around. "Oh, good morning," he meowed, his eyes glinting from the light of the rising sun. Turning back to his sister he added, "Alright then, Sweetpaw. I'll be going now."
Sweetpaw nodded, and Volepaw's attention turned towards Icepaw and Ashtail. Icepaw's mentor said, "Good. Now let's go and collect our moss, shall we?"
"Yes!" Volepaw beamed.
Icepaw didn't understand why Volepaw seemed so happy. What is so good about collecting moss? He walked a little slower with his tail a claw-length away from the ground, dropping behind the two other cats gloomily.

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...