Edited ✔️
This chapter won't have much dialogue at first. But this is because I'm always using dialogue, lol! Let me try something different for once. Hopefully you'll all like it!
It was dawn already. Icetail had already sent out the dawn patrols when he decided that he wanted to hunt.
He silently padded out of the camp. I'm sure if I bring some good prey, Brightstar won't mind me being alone, he decided. No cat noticed him go, because mostly everyone was already gone, except for Mousetail, the other elders, Sagepelt and her kits, and a few other warriors who were still sleeping. Every cat who had left camp had been energetic this morning. He wondered if they were simply doing it for his sake.
He walked through the undergrowth, catching the different scents all around him. He could smell frost—it stung his nose, making him unable to smell anything else that could have been useful. He then payed more mind to the things he'd be able to hear instead. He was better at doing that anyways.
Icetail padded up a slope, gripping hard with his claws so he wouldn't slip down. He listened to everything around him. From his vantage point, he overlooked the dying forest, everything dark and gray and still. The wind was blowing lightly, whipping in his face. He could smell the moorland, heather and stale rabbit-holes. CloudClan.
He decided not to go in that direction; Icetail had already set out a hunting patrol over there. He turned away from CloudClan's borders, padding elsewhere. The MoonClan forest felt so familiar to him, it was easy for him to whip past trees and weave through dead bushes without bumping into anything.
But suddenly, he smelled something. Icetail stopped short. A small tang of mouse was made out just below some bramble thickets. Slowly, Icetail lightly pawed his way over to the thickets. He heard the mouse scuffling under the roots. There was a hole large enough for Icetail to squeeze through to get to it.
Icetail slipped down the hole, and spotted the mouse easily. He ducked behind dry and cold grass, hoping that it would cover his scent so the mouse wouldn't scent him. When the right time came, he leaped at it, catching its tail with his paw.
The mouse screached, trying to get away, but Icetail killed it with a bite to its spine. Satisfied, Icetail looked at the hole, intending to get out. Slowly, he padded over so he wouldn't get a thorn stuck in his pelt from the thickets. But suddenly, the ground beneath him crumbled. He gasped. StarClan, I'm going to fall! he thought, suddenly terrified.
He lost his footing and fell down deeper within the hole. He landed roughly on his paws, sending shivers throughout his whole body. "Fox-dung!" he spat, looking up. The exit was far too high for him to reach. He shouldn't of come down here—he should of felt the ground beneath him was hollow.
Then, Icetail looked around him. His eyes adjusted easily to his surrounding, mainly because a little bit of light was filtering through the top. There was a tunnel leading somewhere else. He turned fully. "How else am I going to get out of here?" he muttered to himself, staring at the tunnel.
He looked back up at the hole and growled, clenching the ground with his claws. It was too far up. Why'd he have to fall down here for a mouse? He sighed with annoyance, and turned to the tunnel, beginning to trek into the darkness.
He tried to look around, wondering where he was, but it was no use. He was in complete and utter darkness. Is this what it felt like to be blind? He reached out to his other senses—taste, smell, hearing, and touch. The air tasted of heather, washed by wind and a small tang of river-scent as well. He could hear the echo of his own paw-steps going farther down the tunnel, nothing clear ahead. He could feel his whiskers touching each side of the walls, making sure he wouldn't bump in to anything as he became closed in. It made him uncomfortable and his heart began to beat faster.

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfic"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...