Edited ✔️
All of you keep on going how I leave too many cliff-hangers XD. I can't deny that I do, it's honestly fun to add them. Well anyways, it's almost done so I hope you all can get the best of book one before we move on to book two.
Also, I am sorry for not updating in August. One, I was trying to work out how the conclusion shall be. Two, I was on vacation! Now I'm back and so is school, so the updates will also become regular as well!
Icestar's muscles became tense as soon as his deputy gave him the report, his heartbeat quickening as he pictured the war starting in his head.
It's time!
"We must go. I'm afraid of what will happen to my patrol if we wait any longer," Ashtail said, looking down to his paws. "It's really time . . ."
Slowly, Icestar stood up from his spot. "Will you be okay, Silverleaf?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" She pulled their two kits closer to her belly, her tail wrapping around them protectively.
"Dewstar is waiting for me at the border," he explained, taking a deep sigh. "We might be heading into battle soon. I want to know if you'll be okay."
Finally, after thinking things through, she managed to nod. "Of course I'll be. I lost Lightkit, but I won't lose them two." Her gentle gaze swept over their living two kits, eyes filled with love and sorrow. "I promise that they'll be okay no matter what. And I especially won't let myself die for their sake."
"I'll watch over her," Sagepelt declared, standing up from her spot. "She just had kits, but even so . . . that won't stop her from keeping them safe."
Icestar nodded firmly. "Be strong, you two." Reluctantly, he left his place from the nursery. If only DarkClan never existed, how fine things would be for MoonClan! He padded in to the clearing, where cats were murmuring unsurely. "Which cats have you taken to your patrol?" Icestar asked his deputy.
"Rainwhisker, Fireshade, Dawnstripe and Goldenpaw," he replied. "Right now, they're facing DarkClan. We cannot let them be any longer, they're expecting you and I don't know how long they're willing to take."
He stopped in his tracks. "Okay, I'll need a battle plan."
"We must take the cats who are most willing to go ahead," Ashtail said, looking around the Clan.
Icestar nodded. "I'm going to make the announcement."
"Be quick!" he urged.
The leader left his spot and raced up the Moonrock, trying his best not to slip up the frosty stones. His gaze traveled across the camp, and the cats of MoonClan watched him just as carefully.
"I'm sure you've all heard, but Dewstar is expecting us!" he announced. Ashtail stood firm at his spot while cats looked at him wide-eyed, probably wondering where his patrol went. "The plan is happening half a moon too early, but we can't be faltered. We have to go and let Dewstar know what's rightfully ours!"
Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, and Sharpfang called out, "I'll stay here and watch over the camp!"
"Are you sure? You're one of our best fighters," Ashtail protested unsurely.
"I'm sure," Sharpfang said. "I want to keep my kits safe, and as well as Icestar's new kits too. If a DarkClan patrol comes to attack, I'll protect them with my life!"
"You may stay, Sharpfang." The gray-furred leader gave a curt nod. "Volefur, you and Blackpaw will come with me," Icestar ordered. "Along with Swiftbreeze, Ashtail and Flameheart." They picked their way out of the crowd to stand by the Moonrock. "Stonetooth, lead Goldsun, Squirreltail, Hawkheart and Redsky close behind me."

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...