5. School Mates And Questions

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Trixie POV
"WHAT?" I shouted, "come on, one of you miracle the wall away, I can't I'm terrible at miracles." I stuck my tongue out to show them the forked end and pulled my glasses down revealing my snake eyes.
"yeah you are," Mayah told me.
"who's going to open the wall?" asked Aemelia
"No one, look," vals pointed behind me.
We spun round and saw miss standing behind us.
"you four, class now," she said, "and you, trixie did you say your name was, sunglasses off."
I opened my mouth to protest but Valerie beat me to it, "she can't, she's blind, sorry. "
Miss nodded and left.

"what was that for vals? Now she thinks I can't see anything, why didn't you say I was half blind?"
"sorry, oh well. You can tell her that later."
"stop arguing you two and come on!" Mayah said.

We ran down the corridor towards a room labelled maths. I groaned internally, I really hated maths but oh well.

We entered the room and about thirteen girls with perfect uniform and neatly braided hair turned to look at us. Compared to them the four of us looked particularly untidy.
My short red and brown hair was tangled, my knee socks were rolled down to my ankles, my top button was undone and of course my dark glasses were scratched. Valerie had already torn her tights and her doc martens were scuffed from kicking the wall. Aemelia's blue hair was knotted from the fall and the sleeves of her jumper were shoved up her arms. Mayah had knotted her  jumper round her waist and had a slightly disgusted look on her face as she looked at all the black she was wearing.

"sit down," the stern looking said gesturing to four empty seats at the back, "oh and miss,"
"miss Black, kindly take the sunglasses off."
"sssorry misss, I can't," I said, the 's' was emphasied due to my snake like tongue.
"why?" her eyebrows were raised in disapproval.
"er, I'm half blind and direct light causes me extreme pain."
And with that I sat down and put my feet up onto my desk.

Fortunately maths was the only lesson we had to endure and after half an hour of what Mayah called torture we were finally free.

All of us rushed out into the bright sunshine filled air. I was about to climb up one of the trees when the rest of the girls in our class surrounded us.
"hello, I'm accalia," the girl with waist length red braids who appeared to be the leader said, "this is astra, this is umbra, gracie, Laura, Nancy, Dorothy,Lucy, Belle, Matilda, Mia, Emily and Ruby and Charlotte."
The girls waved at us grinning.
"hi, I'm Mayah and this is Aemelia."
"and we're Valerie and Trixie."
"it's short for Bellatrix," I told them, "but no one calls me that."
"like in Harry Potter!" Belle grinned.
"don't mind her, she's a bit mad. That's why her parents sent her here," Ruby told us.

We chatted to them for a while until Valerie, who seemed very unsure of everyone dragged us away.

5th chapter done! I hope you liked it. Please comment your thoughts on it. Next chapter will come out in January at some point.
See ya.

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