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I tried and failed not to cry, someone had found my book, they'd cared for it and eventually, thanks to them it had been returned to me.

The bell rang in the distance, I could hear doors opening and closing further down the corridor. Dorm 13s door opened and we all heard someone come in and we all stood where we were, holding our breath. After what seemed like eternity the door shut and I let out a sigh of relief.

“I have a sister,” I broke the silence, “she died with me. I don't know what happened to her after that.”
“what was her name?” Aemalia asked.
“Hyacinth Black but I don't know if it changed when she died.”
“that's fine, her mortal name should work fine.”

Aemalia’s eyes glowed silver as she muttered under her breath.
“is this normal?” I asked Mayah.
“yep,” she rolled her eyes.

“Hyacinth Black, shelf six, row seventeen. Cause of death burning, Age of death fourteen, current position heaven,” Aemalia's voice was strange as though she were reciting something, although I supposed she was.
Aemalia slipped out of her trance, “your sister is fine Trix’,” she smiled at me, “although I didn't have enough time to find her angel name sorry.”
“it's fine, I'm just happy you could even do that.”
She laughed and her and Mayah looked at each other knowingly.

We sat on the dusty floor, sending dust clouds up, causing Aemalia to have a coughing fit.

Half an hour later another bell rang signaling the next lesson and we all rushed downstairs towards the hall because we were required for an assembly.

We slid in just behind our class at the back.
“now girls quiet down,” the corridor teacher said.
“what if I'm not a girl?” Valerie whispered in my ear, I held back a laugh because the corridor teacher was glaring at me.

“now I'm here to tell you that as tomorrow is Saturday you can all spend the day doing what you like as long as you're back by 4.30. You can go to the village or the forest or if you want stay at school,” the corridor teacher smiled at us.

After half an hour of boredom we were finally freed and it was ‘self study’ which basically meant we we're supposed to go over the days lessons, do homework and things like that. To me it meant more time to investigate.

“what's the plan?” mayah asked
“well tomorrow we'll explore the area and try and find out who the girls were but today we're going to look at the bodies and the room again in the hopes of finding clues,” I said
“I am not going in that room again!” Aemalia said, the colour draining from her face.
“well then you and Valerie can act as a diversion whilst me and Mayah look for clues.”
“why me?” Mayah asked at the same time Valerie said, “why do I have to be a diversion?”
“OK, Valerie you come with me and Mayah you can go with Aemalia to the library to look for any records of missing students and lists of previous teachers,” I said sighing.

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