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I closed my eyes and thought of the school records as hard as I could. Images flashed through my mind. The far back cover. Dust. Forgotten memories. Fear. Figures from the past.
I opened my eyes and rushed to the back of the library, I heard mayah running after me as I rifled through the books.

There it was an old cloth bound volume, I slipped it off the shelf and grabbed Mayahs wrist pulling her after me to a desk.
I flipped open the book and began to search through the writing of past headteachers.

"1845, nope; 1870, still no; 1900, no; 1905, no - wait, hang on!" I hugged Mayah in excitement, we finally had a clue!
"What's it say?" Mayah tried to lean around me to see.
"In 1905 two students went missing and 15 years later it was left unsolved !"
"Who was the head teacher?" Mayah asked
"Umm…." I flipped to the start of the year,"someone called miss oak and the one before that was called Miss Hawthorne and before that it was Miss Alder," I broke into uncontrollable laughter.
"What is it with the tree names?" Mayah giggled,"I bet if we went far enough back we'd have enough trees to fill a wood, maybe even a forest!"
"And get this, the current head teacher is the first in years to not have a tree surname! I wonder why?"

We had no more time for wondering as just then the library door clicked open and someone came in, I heard mayah swear under her breath. I shoved the book onto a shelf and gripped Mayahs wrist tightly and slowly dragged her after me towards the door, we slipped through the door and I pulled her into the air.

We spend silently along the corridor and landed in new wing. We charged up the stairs and burst into Trixie and Valerie's dorm and ran through the hole in the wall before finally coming to a stop in our crime scene.

"1905! Two girls went missing in 1905 and the case was left unsolved in 1920!" I managed to gasp out before collapsing to the floor in a fit of coughing.

I managed to write 2 chapters today! Please remember to vote and comment any thoughts or anything else. I don't know about anyone else but it makes me feel so happy when people comment on my writing so maybe just say something to make this writers day a little bit better :)

Thanks again to all of you wonderful people for reading this.

I also would like to mention that this is the beta of this book so I'm very sorry if there's problems with the plot or spelling or anything. When I'm finished, I'll make a completed version with everything making sense.

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