3. Meeting

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Trixie POV
We were out in the park, perched at the top of a tree, when Valerie pointed to the sky and shouted, "there are two people up there!"
Two girls dressed in white were half falling, half flying towards the ground. I pulled my wings out and pulled Valerie up with me.

Together we flew towards the angels and when we caught up with them, they looked at us curiously.
"That's the girl that was sent down," the one with Hazel eyes said to her friend.

We flew to the ground together and I asked, "who are you two?"
"I'm mayah," the girl with curly hair said.
"And I'm Aemilia," the blue haired angel said.
"I'm Valerie."
"I'm trixie."
"we're demons!" we laughed.
" I know, I saw you get sent down," mayah told me
I laughed, "it was worth it."

Thanks for reading, the next chapter will be written by that random 13 (Valerie).
Also please have a look at her story called "the observers" it's really good so far.
Next update will be by Christmas day (probably 😂)

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