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The next morning we put on our "normal" clothes, I was pleased to finally be out of the uniform.

I pulled on my black jeans, black shirt, tattered waistcoat and long velvet coat. At our dorm door put on my bright red converse, black fingerless gloves, sunglasses and pointed black hat. I couldn't be bothered to brush my hair.

Valerie was wearing their bright yellow t-shirt, red tartan skirt and knitted cardigan. 

We had to be counted out before we could meet mayah and Aemalia, when we were finally freed we met by the gates to walk into town together, Aemalias blue hair wasn't tied up for once and was wearing black ripped jeans a white t-shirt and a blue hoodie  and mayah had cuffed jeans, an orange t-shirt and rainbow trainers.

We walked through the woods down to town and Aemalia pulled out a list of places we needed to go.

"The sweet shop had better be added to that list, that's all I can say. I'm not spending all day in the library," Valerie huffed looking at the list.

Town was busier than I'd expected but we managed to find the sweet shop. We emerged with enough sweets to last us a few days at least.

We ate the sandwiches we'd been given by school on a bench outside the library, we put the paper they were in in a bin before walking into the library.

The silence was suffocating. The only sounds were a few whispers and the sound of pages turning. 

We made our way to a dark corner so Aemalia could find the town's history books. After a few seconds she set off towards another corner of the library, this corner was even dustier than the last.

"They're up there," Aemalia pointed to the top shelf. Unfortunately not even I could reach it. 

"Step aside bitches! It's my turn!" Mayah stepped forward and in a stream of glittering magic she had pulled down five cloth bound books each embossed with the years they covered.

"1900-1935, if the case is going to be found anywhere it'll be somewhere in this one," Valerie dragged the book onto a different table.

I took off my glasses in order to see better in the dim light but even though I had excellent night vision I couldn't read the smudged, faded ink.

"Val's do you think you could do something similar to the fire thing but to light a candle or something so we can see better?"

"I mean if we had a candle yeah, but I can't see a candle."

They did have a point. A library wasn't somewhere I'd expect to find a candle. I looked at Mayah and Aemalia. 

They both shook their heads. 

"I don't do fire stuff. Unfortunately," Aemalia sighed

"And I can only summon stuff if I know where it is to begin with."

"I might be able to help," A voice came from behind us. 

We spun around and I shoved my glasses back on (poking myself in the eye in the process).

The person that had spoke was a girl who looked about our age, she was short, shorter than Mayah, with long silvery blonde hair and bright pink eyes.

"My name's Adelia Darlington," she smiled pulling a candle from the air and handing it to Valerie.

I looked at Aemalia and Mayah to see how they were reacting. Aemalia looked like she was trying to remember something,

"You're Ada, you're one of the people that nearly fell into hell because you were curious in what the pit looked like. I was sorting paperwork from that for weeks!" She then grinned, "it's nice to know they didn't kill you or anything!"

"Oh!" Mayah obviously remembered her too,"Aemalia was complaining about you for weeks. I might have have joined you but if I hadn't fallen down I'm pretty sure Aemalia would have pushed me down instead. Anyway, I'm Mayah, it's nice to meet you!"

"I'm Aemalia as you've probably worked out."

"I'm Valerie," Valerie was staring at the candle that they'd just been given.

"Oh and I'm Trixabelle but almost everyone calls me Trixie." 

Something flashed in her eyes when I mentioned my nickname but that might have been the light from the candle Valerie had just lit reflecting on my glasses. 

"Trix, why are you still wearing those? There are no mortals around!" Mayah said, pulling my glasses off. I immediately dropped my gaze to the floor and attempted to snatch them back. After a few tries I finally managed to pull my glasses out of Mayahs hand. 

I shoved them back on (and managed to not poke myself in the eye)

"I'll get you back for this Henderson!" I laughed.

Valerie yelped as hot wax dripped onto their hand. 

"You know we probably could just borrow the books and bring it back next week," Aemalia said looking at Valerie's pained expression.

"And this, Aemalia is why you're the smart one!" I said and took the book over to the desk.

We let Aemalia take the book as she was the least likely to destroy it. Although there was still a high chance she'd drip it in a puddle or something anyway.

"Dormitory 16 is empty, isn't it? Surely the five of us will be able to manipulate the paperwork and school documents so it seems Ada is supposed to be here?" Valerie said.

"Yep, I think that's the easiest plan, unless you have somewhere else to stay Ada."

"I don't and I've never been involved with a murderer case before!"

I'm really sorry I haven't updated sooner! I've been busy but here's chapter sixteen! I hope you enjoy it! I also really like it when you comment your thoughts on different bits of the chapter in the comments.

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