2. Angels

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I looked down in horror, there was an angel standing by the stairs obviously about to be sent down. She frowned and began to wander down, the white in her hair fading to dark red. Apparently, the way she was walking annoyed the archangels and all 8 of them reached out and shoved her the rest of the way. She let out a faint scream before disappearing into the dark.

I ran from my vantage point, if any of the archangels saw me then I would follow her for sure. My best friend Aemilia would know what the poor angel (now demon) did, she was incharge of sorting the Heaven and hell files (they told us who was who and where they were).

I spotted Aemilias light blue hair sticking out of a pile of books and called out to her. Her head snapped up and she fixed me with a piercing blue gaze, "what?" she asked somewhat grumpily, "an angel has just been sent down and now I've got to reorder all the files."
"who was she and wh-"
"she's called trixie and she was sent down for hiding mouldy oranges under the archangels table, it's ridiculous! They have to stop sending people down for such petty reasons! And now I'll be up all night reorganising all of the files!"

She really was stressed, I layed a hand on her shoulder and asked," why don't we just miracle them into order?"
" I caan'tt!"she groaned, "I've been told that I have to do it by hand!"
"what they don't know won't hurt them, and I'm bored."
I waved my hand and all of the books flew into order.

I then dragged her out of the office my darker hand in her lighter one, my black curly hair bounced behind me and Aemilias flew around her in the soft wind.

We ran to our favourite spot in heaven, we could watch the human world below us. Aemilia lifted me onto her back because I am short person sized and we laughed at all the humans going about their lives down below.

After 3 hours of people gazing, footsteps sounded behind us and Aemilia turned. I started and toppled over the wall.

My wings spread slowing my fall, I heard Aemilia scream in horror as I fell towards the earth. Wings sounded above me and I saw my best friend flying down to meet me, she grabbed my hand and we flew down to earth together because once you've fallen, there's no going back.

Thank you for reading this, me and my friend thatrandom13 are trixie and Valerie and my friends em_7ds_ and AgentMarshmallow1 are Aemilia and Mayah.
Next chapter will probably be tomorrow at some point.

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