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We watched Valerie and Trixie clatter up the stairs before we slipped into the shadows of an arch to wait for everyone to clear out of the way.
Strictly speaking we weren't actually supposed to go to the library without a note from a teacher.

Finally the last teacher's footsteps died away and we slunk out of our hiding place, Aemalia checked up and down the corridor for any sign of life.
"All clear."

I nodded and legged it down the empty corridors into the old part of the school. Our leather school shoes made a tremendously racquet on the creaky wooden floors and we tried to tread as softly as possible.
"There's no point," Aemalia sighed,"it sounds like a herd of buffalo are running down the halls. Let's just fly, it's far quieter."
I nodded and unfurled my wings and flew after my best friend.

When Ifinally caught up with Aemalia she was sat outside the library door her white wings spread across the corridor as she fiddled with the lock.
There was a resounding click and she sat back on her heels grinning.
"We'll come on then!" She stepped inside and I hurried after her.

The library was completely different to the corridor we'd just left, the carpets were soft and the mountains of books made the room feel cosy.

"Oh my! It's wonderful!" Aemalia looked round in wonder.
"Yes I know now come on! We've got to find the school records before someone finds us!" I snapped.
"Yes, sorry. I'm on it!" Aemalia said excitement radiating off her.

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