6. Concerns And Questions

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Trixie POV

"where are we going?" I hissed, quite literally, "It was an interesting conversation."
"I don't care,there's just something about people that I don't trust," vals said slowly.
"well you were the one that got us here in the first place! You can't complain about the people," Mayah said.

We stopped under a tall oak tree and I quickly pulled myself up into the branches, I wasn't entirely sure we were allowed to climb trees here. The others joined me and we sat gazing down at the people below.
" people are strange," Aemelia said offhandedly.
"yes we know."
"listen, we're angels and we can feel emotions and something doesn't feel quite right,"
"I agree," Mayah said.
"what in the nine circles of hell are you talking about?" Valerie asked confused.

I didn't know what to say, demons can't feel emotions, I fiddled nervously with my steampunk glasses. Truth be told I wasn't very sure that the idea of going to school until we died was a good one.

" vals?" I said, "I'm still not sure on your idea you know, what if-"
"I'm not either trixie but what's done is done."

We were sat high in the tree out of sight from everyone until it began to grow dark and the dinner bell sounded.

We sighed and headed off towards the the hall. When we got there it was full of chattering girls, I recognised all the girls from earlier except 1.
"I'm sure she wasn't in maths," Aemelia whispered.
"she wasn't but I'm getting a wierd feeling off her," said Mayah. I arched an eyebrow in question.
"what we mean," Aemelia explained, "Is that being around her feels like heaven again."
"she's either an angel I've never seen before or an incredibly religious person."
"I don't recall her in any of the files. They say when an angel has fallen to earth and that's only ever happened once - except for us - and that was years ago."
"not good," Valerie sighed, "not good at all. In fact I would swear except I'm not sure what what happens with swearing here."
"why is it not good?" Mayah asked curiously.
"Well if she's very religious then us two need to keep as far away from her as possible."
"she probably has something that can destroy our very existence, not like dying and going back to hell, more like make us cease to exist," I said.
"what?" Aemelia asked cautiously.

The bell signing the end of dinner sounded and the four of us ran to dorm 13.
"what is it? What will she have," Mayah panted.
"Holy Water!"me and Valerie said together.
The two angels were visibly confused.
" you know hell fire?"they nodded, "it's like our hell fire, destroys us completely."

Just then another bell rang and girls feet clattered outside the closed door.
"what the fuck do they want now!" Valerie asked annoyed.
We left the room and followed the rest of the girls along the corridor towards a pair of huge, ornate wooden doors.
"shit," Valerie whispered beside me. I grabbed the angels and pulled them down a corridor.
"what? And Trixie that really hurt!"
"sorry Mayah. But this is serious we can't go in there, it's a church and we're demons, we can't walk on holy ground without extreme pain."
"what are you two going to do then?"
"not go in," vals said.
"you two go in we'll be back in the dorm room."
"just go, we'll go round outside and fly."

The two angels hurried off glancing nervously at each other.

Me and Valerie sprinted flat out along the corridor before pulling open an exit door. Stopping to breathe, Valerie gasped, "what is it with you and running?" I laughed and set off again pulling her behind me.

I pulled my wings out, all 13 feet of dark black feathers, Valerie pulled her out to and together we flew up to our window on the top floor. I was about to miracle the locked window open when Valerie stopped me, "what happened last time you attempted a miracle? The door was turned into a badger. Let me do this,"there was a click as the lock on the window snapped open. It was an old fashioned sash window and together we pulled it up and slid inside.

I hope you liked this chapter! 😊I don't know what else to say 😂. Stay safe 🖖.

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