7. After Hours

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Wevd were sat in the dorm for hours when the angels came charging in,
"hello! We're back but we've got to go to bed now," Aemelia said
"alright, you two get ready and when everyone's asleep we'll come and get you," vals said.
The angels nodded and we heard their feet clattering along the corridor.

Me and Valerie both changed into our pyjamas as well. High heeled shoes came clicking along the corridor and miss came in to tell us that it was lights out and we'd better go to sleep.
I sighed, we don't need to sleep, it's a waste of time but all the same we did have to follow the rules so I switched off the light and we sat on our beds waiting.
The bright lights on the corridor clicked off leaving us in complete darkness.
I was about to get off my bed and go get the angels when Valerie's voice came through the darkness, "wait, give it 5 minutes then we'll go."
I made a noise to show her I understood.

Five minutes later, vals came creeping over to me, "c'mon let's go."
I grinned at her in the darkness before she produced a ball of gently glowing red light.
"why didn't you just turn on one of the other lights in the room rather than rubbing my inability to preform miracles in my face!" I grumped at my friend.
"sorry," and with a wave of her hand the ball of light disappeared and the small table lamp snapped on.

In the half dark I could see that she had dropped all miracles preformed on herself and was in her proper demon form, curled black horns, glimmering purple eyes, forked tounge and huge black wings. I followed her example and removed my glasses before pulling my wings out and undoing the incredibly basic miracle that his my horns.
"let's go"

We pulled the window open and climbed through it into the fresh night air, the tiles were rough against my bare feet. We crept across the roof counting windows as we went. We finally found the correct window and tapped on the glass, Mayah's curly head popped out,
"hello, come on Aemelia, they're here."
The two angels climbed out and joined them on the roof. We didn't have to worry about stumbling in the darkness now because both girls had softly glowing halos above their heads, the four of us walked back across the roof our wings brushing the roof tiles.

The four of us slid through our open window and into the the dorm room.
"now for that wall panel," Aemelia said.
"the three of you open it I'll step back I don't want to change it into a fish or something," I said.
They nodded laughing slightly as I set my self to the slightly difficult task of vanishing my horns.

A few minutes later I had finally got it and was watching the others open the wall, they were almost there when sharp footsteps echoed outside.
"oh  my Satan!" Valerie exclaimed, "it's that teacher again!"
Valerie vrey quickly vanished her horns and changed her eyes to a chocolate brown. Our wings disappeared and the angels vanished their halos.

Valerie grabby Aemelias shoulder and shoved her under my bed, Mayah getting the idea dropped to her knees and rolled under Valerie's. As quietly as I could I pulled the window shut and dragged the heavy curtains across. Me and Valerie each fell onto our beds and tried our best to look asleep.

The lock on our door clicked and the door swung open allowing a yellow shaft of light to dance across the floor. "humph! I thought I heard noises, but I must have been mistaken." and with that the teacher left.

"that was close!" Aemelia rolled out from under my bed rubbing her shoulder, "we should probably go back and flying might be a good idea."
Mayah nodded and the two of them climbed onto the roof, spread their pearly white wings and disappeared off into the black night.

"that was close."
"way to close."
"thank hell you'd already vanished your horns."
"mmm.... Yeah."
"We can open the wall tomorrow"
"yeah, I'm going to sleep now."
"Trixie why the hell are you going to sleep, we don't need sleep. Please don't leave me in the dark!"
"I've never slept before and it seems kinda fun, so I'm going to sleep Valerie. Why don't you try it too?"
"fine, I'll try."
"see you in a few hours."

And with that, I rolled myself into a ball and went to sleep.

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