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Getting Ada in was easy enough, her, Mayah and Aemalia 'sweet talked' the headteacher into believing that she'd been here since September.

Like usual we hurried upstairs, Ada dropped her stuff in dormitory 16 and then her and the other angels ran off to chapel. Me and Valerie sat side by side on my bed going over case notes.

Whilst staring at notes for ages is boring and both of us would rather be searching for more clues anything was better than being on fire.

The hour dragged by as Valerie and I wrote up notes and ate Oreos, until finally we heard people running upstairs. Dorm room doors opened and closed as people went to change for dinner. There was a tap on the door and Aemalia stuck her head around the door, "after dinner mayah has something she wants to ask you about," she gave us a weak smile and disappeared.
"I wonder what she wants to talk about," Valerie voiced my thoughts, "oh well, we'll find out soon. Trix you need to change for dinner."

I then had my blazer thrown at my head, hurriedly I put it on just in case Valerie decided to throw my good shoes at my head too.

We met the other 3 outside and together we walked down to the busy hall.

Dinner was the same as always, talking to whoever wanted to talk to you, until Nora sat beside me and Valerie and started talking to us, "you weren't at chapel."


Someone had noticed and of course it and to be fucking Nora, probably the only person in our class that's likely to snitch on us.
Valerie came to their senses first, "well noticed," their voice was dry as the orange leaves that scattered the paths, "and we aren't going to start."
"Well why not? I think you could both benefit from going to church, you especially." She pointed her finger at me.
"I'm not going to go to church, you can't make me. I'm Pagan and I have no need to attend and as for Valerie they don't want to so they stay with me." Naturally I was bursting with indignation but slapping people at the dinner table is generally frowned upon.

I wish I could have photographed Nora's face when I told her I was pagan, it was something worth remembering.

Nora stuttered for a few seconds before saying, "I bet you're a queer too," she said it like it was a bad thing.
"No," I lied before catching Ada's eye across the table. Her eyes were fixed on the pin on my collar that clearly stated I was gay.

Finally dinner was over and the five of us headed upstairs. When we were in her room, mayah produced a black feather from her pocket, "this isn't either of yours is it?"
"It's not mine," Valerie stroked it, "it's too soft, mine are always a mess."
"And it's not mine, mine have gold running down them."
"Then that means we have a clue!" Mayah grinned.
"It's not great though is it? This means we have another demon running around the school," Ada sighed
"Was anyone other than us missing from chapel this evening?"
"Not that I noticed."
"It might be one of the older girls or a teacher - they're all allowed to skip chapel to do work."

Aemalia had a point and if she was right - like she usually was - then we were going to have a hard time coming out on top.

The bell rang for bedtime and the others got up to leave,
"Meet us on the roof in half an hour," Mayah said as she was leaving.

Sorry for the long wait between updates, I hope you enjoy this one.
I always enjoy hearing your thoughts and feedback.
Have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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