9. History And English

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We finally reached our history class and the four of us took the desks at the back.

“what are we going to do about, you know what?” I asked

“I honestly don't know,” Aemalia said, worried.

“we need to find out who the miss they were talking about is, there are at least 10 misses in the school and we need to know which you know, kills kids.”Valerie said.

“we could be Detectives!” mayah said joyously.

“shush!” I hissed


Just then, miss came in followed by the strange girl from yesterday.

“hello!” she said, her voice was cheery and light, “welcome new girls, introduce yourselves to me and then I'll take the register, I'm miss Wood by the way.”

Valerie stood up, “I'm Valerie Karma, and I don't like people.”

I laughed before standing, “I'm Bellatrix Black but please call me Trixie, and -” I glanced at vals, “I'm half blind.”

Aemalia grinned, “I'm Aemalia Carol and my hair is naturally blue” she shrugged.

“I'm Mayah Henderson and I really don't like maths.”

“excellent!” miss Wood said, “now register, accalia?”




























“and finally noa”

“here miss!”

“you four probably won't have met Noa yet as she was in med bay due to an unfortunate accident.”

“pleased to meet you,” she got up and walked over to shake hands.

I could see both angels grimace slightly at the touch, Valerie tensed up just like she always did. She then turned to me and shook my hand staring right into my eyes, I scowled at her and closed them slightly.

“now you all know each other let's get on with the lesson!” Miss Wood smiled.

We were talking about the medieval witch trials, I was especially knowledgeable in the subject seeing as that was how I died the first time.

When the lesson was nearing an end, Miss presented us with a question. “alright class, as one final question can anyone tell me what it might have felt like to be burned at a stake?”

My hand shot into the air and I saw Valerie drop her head to the desk.

Miss nodded at me, “well, you'd feel helpless as you were tied up with no way of escape, and then when they begin to burn you, it's an incredibly intense pain, like your being melted into nothingness.” I felt a sharp poke in my arm as mayah jabbed her pen into my arm to shut me up. “sorry,”I muttered before continuing, “and that nothingness will probably seem like the end, and unless you managed to fireproof yourself then it probably is.”  

The entire class was looking at me, Miss Wood was smiling and noa was looking particularly agitated.

“excellent description, it almost sounded as if it had actually happened to you.”

The four of us laughed nervously unsure of what to say, fortunately the bell rang and we were saved.

Before we left however, Miss stopped the class, “remember that we do not throw pencils at our classmates,” she said sternly, glaring at Nancy and Charlotte who laughed.

We followed the rest of the class to English, Noa was walking annoyingly close to us so we were unable to discuss what we were going to do about the hole in our dorm room wall.

“where are you from?” Noa asked.

Aemalia sighed, “somewhere.”

Mayah was the shortest of the four of us but this girl was tiny, she was, I guessed, four and a half foot tall with straight mouse coloured hair and for a person so short she was incredibly annoying, no wonder Nancy and Charlotte threw pencils at her. My thoughts were very rudely interrupted.

“why do you wear those glasses?”

“because,” I hissed, “I'm half blind.”

“yes, but why ones like that, no one can see your eyes,” she said.

“just how I like it,” I muttered before hurrying into the classroom.

I dropped my satchel onto my chair and sat on my desk just like in history however, Miss came in and glared at us, so I sat in my chair as normally as I could.

“alright, I'm miss walker. Nice to meet you.” she said looking at the four of us in the back row, “if you'd like to introduce yourselves to me.”

She pointed at mayah who stood up, “I'm mayah Henderson.”

She then turned her gaze to Aemalia, “I'm Aemalia Carol.”

It was then my turn, “I'm Bellatrix Black, but no one calls me that, I go by Trixie.”

“alright, miss Black. Please remember that in my lessons we do not sit on desks and take off the sunglasses, we're inside.”

“um,uh,I can't miss walker, sorry. I'm half blind and direct light hurts my eyes.”

She nodded, apparently unsure of whether to believe me or not.

Vals stood up, “I'm Valerie Karma.”

“wonderful, I hope you try your hardest in my lessons, I honestly don't care about what you do in any other teachers class but in my lessons you behave yourselves.”
We nodded.

“Now does anyone know anything about Shakespeare?” Miss asked. I felt Aemalia tense beside me in excitement, when she was actually alive she knew Shakespeare and was apparently friends with him. She raised her hand.
“yes, Aemalia?”
“his father worked as a glove maker!”
I heard Valerie hit her head on her desk again at this, I had to hold in my laughter.
“excellent, that's very interesting and I'm sure most of us didn't know that.”
Noa put her hand up, “actually miss I did know that.”
“shut up, no one asked you!” Valerie hissed at her.
Miss shot a glare at Valerie but said nothing.

I decided I did not like our English teacher at all. Of the four teachers we'd met so far she was tied as the worst teacher with the teacher that patrols the corridor.

Few more characters being introduced, Noa is the unnamed girl from chapter 6.
Also Trixie's lie of being half blind is somewhat plausible, you see she has snakes eyes and snakes have terrible eyesight. So her saying she has problems with her sight works as she may need help with reading some fonts.
So yeah. I actually did research.
See ya.

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