8. Inside The Wall

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Trixie POV
"So... How do we get this wall down?"  Aemelia asks,
"Dynamite?" Mayah suggests,
"We don't have dynamite." I say.
"Get back." Valerie says.
The three of us step behind her.
"Not you." She points to me, "I need you for this."
Her eyes have some kind of desperation in them. I never thought that maybe she needed me.
I step forward.
Her hand links with mine and some kind of warm fire is sent in to me. I realise that she is loaning me the power to call upon the fire shout.
"Ready?" I ask,
"Not yet." She says, "Wait for it."
Our eyes simultaneously travel out the window as we wait for the sun's fire to be ready.
"Now." She mutters.
We take a deep breath and shout:
Ignis is Latin for fire.
The fire melts away the wall without triggering the fire alarm as it disappears once its target is gone. The target is dead within seconds,
"Um, I hate to break up the party but... How are we going to fix that?" Mayah asks.
"Glue." I suggest.
"A lot of glue." Valerie agrees.
We enter the other side of the wall. Once we are quite a long way in to the passage, the darkness covers our eyes to prevent us from seeing anything. Mayah conjures up a ball of light for us to see the way. I spot that there are candle holders everywhere. I work to put fire on all of them for us to be able see.
"Whoa..." Aemelia breathes out.
The place is huge and beautifully decorated, as if it's a second version of heaven.
"This place is loco..." Valerie scans her surroundings.
I yelp as something furry brushes my ankles.
"Huh. I forgot that you had a cat." Mayah says.
"Apparently, Maddie wants to come with." Vals says as the scrawny thing clambers on to her shoulder.
"Why would the school want to keep this hidden?" I walk down a hall.
Valerie kicks at another wall.
"Hollow." She says.
We begin peeling off the wallpaper. There is a door behind it. It looks like someone has done everything they could to keep people from finding this door.
The angels try to open it, but it's nailed shut.
"Hey, look." I pick up a hammer from the corner of the hallway, "Looks like someone forgot to get rid of this."
We use the hammer to pry the nails off one by one.
Finally, it is ready to be opened.
Aemelia pushes open the stone door.
At first, silence. Then horror, vomit, chaos and a ringing in my ear. Inside the room is two girls, hanging by their necks and rope in the middle of the ceiling. They are dead, choked by the terror and pain of being hung. Inside the room is a desk with a packet of black markers on top. Inside the room is two girls who have been hung. Inside the room is now what used to be the bodies of two innocent girls who are now just skeletons wearing uniform. Inside the room is walls with worn-out wallpaper on them. And on that wallpaper, is the words:
"Miss, we're sorry, let us out!"
Scrawled in black marker over and over.

Thank you thatrandom13 for writing this chapter! It's really good

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