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Finally, we had break and the four of us rushed to the biscuit queue. When we'd been given our biscuits, oreos, we went and climbed the tree again.

“what are we going to do about finding who killed the two girls?” mayah nervously chewed on her lip.

“I honestly have no idea,”I heard Valerie say, “we'll have to go and look for clues but I'm not ready to go back in there-”

I zoned out after that, I let my thoughts consume me. And then a burning sensation all along my back and my already terrible vision blurred and I couldn't see a thing. Except I could. There was a voice calling my name, laughter, a curtain of blonde hair disappearing around a corner. I was shaken back into reality by Aemalia firmly tapping my shoulder, “oi, you ok? You've had a far away look on your face for the past five minutes and- are you crying?” concern showed on all three of my friends faces. I wiped my hand across my face and sure enough deep red blood was streaked across it, “it's nothing, just I felt something I haven't felt in a long time and I'm not sure what it was,” I smiled rubbing the rest of my bloody tears away, “oh and Valerie, I'll need you to read for me this afternoon. My eyes are acting up.” Valerie nodded still looking slightly concerned,

“alright, can you see well enough to get to class or are you ok with that?”

“all I can see is blurry shapes,” I said, “I need help getting to class”.

Sometimes having snake eyes is a pain in the neck, I regularly have periods of time where I can't see at all but thankfully Valerie told the corridor teacher (I still don't know her name) that I was blind so she's allowed to read things out loud to me.

Questions danced around my head, who did the blonde hair belong to? And why did I see it?

But there was no time for wondering now, the school bell was ringing and a hand - mayahs I think - was leading me down to the ground.

Mayahs warm hand was switched for a cold one no doubt belonging to Valerie, “c’mon we're going to be late if we don't hurry up.” and then I was dragged down the corridor.

It was maths again, I hate maths more than anything else but it had to be endured. I heard mayah groan as we stopped outside the classroom. “It's only maths Mayah, and remember you're an angel and can just ya know ✨magic✨ the answers,” Aemalia said.
“good point

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