4. Trust

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Trixie pov

"Why are you guys here, exactly?" Valerie asks the angels,
"We fell." Aemelia says sadly,
"We?" Mayah raises an eyebrow, "No, I. You didn't fall down, you jumped. I fell, and you followed."
My friend laughs, "That's brilliant."
She strokes a passing cat and taps a snail shell. The cat watches in astonished shock as the shell bursts in to a ball of flames.
Valerie smiles.
"Pretty." Aemelia taps the shell again, "But dangerous." She finishes as the shell calms and a confused snail comes out. The cat stalks off then watches us from a high wall, its purple eyes and snake pupils staring accusingly. Particularly watching the angels, as if it doesn't trust them.
The shadows cover the cats body, showing only the bright eyes.
Mayah walks over to the cat and reaches out to stroke it. There is a loud hiss and it jumps down from the wall, arching itself in to an S shape.
On closer inspection, I see that the cat has a smooth coat of black fur and a white stripe on her left paw like a bracelet.
Valerie walks over to it.
The cat climbs up her arm.
"It's a girl." My friend says as the small thing hides between her hair.

"Do you want to give her a name?" I ask,
"Maddie." She says after a slight pause.
"So... Do we know what we do now?" Aemelia frowns,
"Try and get back up to heaven and hell?" Valerie tilts her head,
"That's impossible." Mayah sighs,
"Not necessarily." I say.
The two angels raise their eyebrows at me,
"What do you mean?" They ask slowly,
"We know a way." I wave my hand in the direction of my fellow demon,
"Well?" Aemelia grins,
"You have to die again. But it can't be a suicide and you can't be killed by a demon or angel." Valerie explains.
"Ah." The angels stop their smiles as quick as they started.
"We have to die of natural causes?" Aemelia groans,
"Is that even possible?" Mayah questions us,
"Exact- that's a good point actually." Valerie says.
"I mean, we are all dead... Technically. Can we die again?" Mayah wonders.
Even Maddie seems to be curious.
"Curiosity killed the cat." I shift my gaze to her,
"Huh?" Aemelia frowns,
"Nothing." I bite back a smile.
"What are you four doing out here?" A woman's voice hisses,
"Um... Enjoying the view?" Valerie shrugs,
"Put those costumes back in the drama studio and get in your uniform then go to class!"
"What?" I glance at her,
"We don't go to a school." Mayah explains,
"Oh, are you the new students?" The teacher asks,
"Yes. Yes we are." Valerie folds her arms and glares at her.
"Oh I'm so sorry, girls! Tell me your names and ages and I'll get you registered. Your rooms are number 13 and number 24.
." The woman says,
"I'm Mayah."
"Ma- Valerie Karma."
"Trixie Black."
"Go up the stairs, to the second floor. Valerie and Trixie, your room is number 13 and it is the first door on the left. Mayah and Aemelia, yours is number 24 and it's the sixteenth door on the right." She hands us each a key.

Once we are in our room and in our uniform, I say to Valerie,
"What did you do that for? Now we're in school."
"Don't you see? Nobody will suspect four school girls to be demons and angels. It's the perfect disguise! Until we die of natural causes, that is. But then we'll be dead, so nobody will know." She grins.
The school uniform contains of a white shirt and black jumper, a black skirt and long black socks or tights. There are doc martin, lace up boots that are heavy but warm and comfortable.
"Is yours ok?" Valerie asks me,
"It's fine. How's yours?"
"Quite comfortable, actually." She smiles, tying the laces to her shoes.
"Where's Maddie? Is she allowed in school?" I pull away from the mirror and look at my friend,
"She's allowed. She has to stay in our room, though. If she wants a walk then I've been told to let her out of the window."
She finishes tying her laces and stands up.
Maddie walks around the building, pressing her paws up against the glass of the window.
"What're they?" I nod to on top of the wardrobe,
"Blankets. Miss gave me them for Maddie's bed." Valerie answers,
"That's nice of her."
"No it isn't." My friend protests, "I had to give her £20 for those!"
"Okayyyy... Never mind. Miss isn't that friendly. How much did you give her for you to be able to keep Maddie?"
"Not that much, actually. Only £4.20." she attaches a golden locket to her neck and hides it underneath her school shirt.
"I'm not paying her anymore." She huffs,
"I doubt that." I laugh.
I cross over to the windowsill and stroke Maddie. She lets me stroke her head and back, even her stomach. But when I reach her tail, she hisses at me and jumps on top of the wardrobe where her bed awaits her return.
There is a jaunty knock at the wooden door.
"Come in?" Valerie frowns.
Mayah and Aemelia enter, shutting the door behind them.
"Oh, it's just you two. Ok that's good. I wasn't sure who was at the door." My friend laughs,
"Just us." Mayah grins,
"Where's Maddie?" Aemelia asks.
My fellow demon waves her hand up to the top of the wardrobe, where two, violet eyes lurk.
"Nice. Do you like the uniform?" Aemelia asks,
"I think it's cool." Valerie kicks the wall slightly with her boot,
"It's alright, I guess. Shoes are a bit heavy and there's a bit too much black, though. Why are you kicking the wall?" Mayah frowns,
"Oh, I do this every time I'm put in a room where there's a thick wall on the otherwise. I'm checking if it's hollow or not, in case there's a secret room." She explains,
"It's hollow."

Many thanks to thatrandom13 for writing this amazing chapter! Next update will be before the 25th of December 2020.
Thanks for reading!

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