(Xmas Part 2)

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Eh, what? Part 2? What the heck happened to part 1? Well if you asking these questions, then clearly you guys didn't read my first book "Quirkless Prodigy" not gonna blame you guys though, it's cringe as fuck. Well, then the first part is in that book so be sure to read that part for more context. Now that's cleared part 2 I choose you! Go!

(Author Pov)

"So it's that simple?" A voice asks. He then ruffles his hair as if regretting past decisions. "Why did I have to do all that for the first group! Now I got to explain and shit," The voice yells in frustration.

"Ano, Yu-san when will it start?" A green hair teen wearing fox masks asks.

"Can't wait huh?" A yellow hair teen also wearing a fox mask asks.

"Tch can't have patience huh," Another green hair teen asks with venom in his voice across the room.

"Now now, don't want to be stubborn on xmas are we?" A purple hair teen said wearing a wolf mask.

"Tch," The green hair teen wearing a Black Panther mask retort back.

"We will start soon, but first I need to wake those guys up," The man named Yu said pointing to a huge present box.

"Those guys? There someone in that box?!" A teenage girl with green hair wearing a fox mask asks.

"Kinda, how can I explain this..."

A few seconds of explanation

"Tch, if that the case then wake them up already I'm getting tired of waiting," The black panther mask wearer said. 'That loud blond Yu told us sounds like Bakugo, Tch!' He thought.

Yu then sigh for a while before snapping his finger. Light in the room dimmed slowly as a small lights flash to the huge presents, the presents box then tore itself revealing its content.

"What the fuck do you want with us!" Katsuki yelled in anger almost immediately. For some reason, he is wearing a tiger mask.

"Calm down," Yu said.

"Where are we? And who are you?" Izuku asks also wearing a tiger mask. "And why can't we remove these tiger masks?" Izuku adds.

"I'm the one who sends you that invitation," Yu started.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Katsuki said.

"Well, I want this to go well so I thought I need to pick you guys this way, because he is like that," Yu finish pointing towards Katsuki.


"That's all, I don't have any ulterior motive, it's just a xmas party. Now that you guys here it wouldn't hurt to join us right?" Yu asks.

Izuku thinks for a sec, "sigh Fine, we'll just go along with this, plus who is 'us'?"

Yu smiled, "Glad you could join, and to answer your second question..." Yu then snaps his fingers as the lights came back to the room.

The room that is now filled with light shown two other groups of teens also wearing animal masks in the background.

"Now can we get these masks to remove?" Izuku asks again.

"Yeah, when will I be able to remove these stupid masks?" Black Panther mask said.

"Give me a sec will ya? Geez, you guys are impatient," Yu complain.

With another snap, the bars holding Izuku and his friends captive disappeared. They then get up.

"Now first thing first, before I remove those masks there is something I need to tell you," Yu said which receive nods. "All your quirks are removed in this place since I would like to avoid fights, next once I remove those masks please control your shock, and lastly after I remove those masks I will bring one last group to this party, understand?" Yu asks.

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