Chapter 2 > Water Nature

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(Third Person POV)

As usual after school Izuku, Hina, and of course Katsuki gather at Dagobah Beach to continue their training for UA.

This time an unknown person watching them training while cleaning the beach.

"Need more power," Katsuki said.

"Power?" Rin repeat confuse.

"Power huh, then *take out his notebook* last night I had this dream. In my dream, I saw both of you using your quirk differently. So why don't you both try it?" Izuku asks.

"That not a bad idea, let's do it, Kat," Hina said.


Katsuki and Hina are now faced to face on the sand. They both get into a fighting position. Izuku told them the move he saw in his dream.

Katsuki propels himself to the sky and spins himself using his explosions giving him speed. When he is close enough he releases a huge explosion while shouting "Howitzer Impact!".

Hina emits flame around her, using her telekinesis quirk she controls the flame to form a circle. "Flame Wheel" she named the skill.

Both skills collide and release a huge heatwave.

"What power." The unknown man said in shock.

"That's awesome Izu!" Katsuki said.

"Yeah, I know!" Izuku said writing a few more notes in his book.

Then Hina and Katsuki sit at the stairs while Izuku gets up.

"I wanted to try something," Izuku said walking towards the sea.

They all just watch as Izuku stop right in front of the sea. Izuku calms himself and remembers his dream. In his dream, the water just went past him not even drenching him one bit. Izuku thought of the possibility of him being able to control the water the same as he controls the wind.

Izuku raises his hands and pulls the water upwards. Everyone was shocked when they saw a huge wave of water pulled upwards.

"It's a success!" Izuku said happily.

"That's amazing nii-san," Hina said.

"Yeah, it is!" Katsuki said excitedly.

After a few more training they continue to clean the beach. After a while, their body got a bit muscle and start to shape up.

The next day

After school, Katsuki and Hina have gone home a bit earlier while Izuku is still in his class. Izuku was busy writing in his notebook planning all sorts of skills he can use with his newfound quirk.

When he finally went home a huge explosion caught his attention. As usual, he went to the location of the explosion. There he saw a sludge villain caught someone hostage. The heroes there don't have a suitable quirk so they are waiting for a hero with a more suitable quirk. Izuku was getting anxious he recognizes the explosion. In his city only one person he knows that have an explosion-related quirk and he wishes that his guess was wrong.

He flies a bit and takes a look at the scene. He falls as he saw the one that was caught was none other than his best friend Bakugo Katsuki. He was getting up ready to dive in to save his friend. That when he saw, his little sister standing in the middle of the fire seems like the pros still don't notice her there.

Right then and there, Izuku had it. Using his wind quirk as a boost he dives right into the danger passing the pros. Everyone was shocked by his sudden action, the pros scream at him asking him to fall back, but Izuku ignores them. The only thing in his mind is his friend's and family's safety.

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