Chapter 1 > Graceful Wind

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Yo! 👋

What should I say in here hmm 🤔. Nevermind that enjoy!

(Third Person POV)

Izuku woke up and quickly went to his sister's room. He checks her condition. Right after he went in, he saw his sister sitting on her bed waving at him.

"Good Morning, Ni-chan," Hina said.

"*smile* Good morning Hina, how are you feeling?" Izuku then asks.

"Good, I feel more energetic, I can't wait to tell Katsuki my quirk," Hina said smiling.

"Let's go down for breakfast," Izuku said.

They walk down to see Inko preparing breakfast.

"Good morning you two, how are you feeling Hina?" Inko ask.

"I'm feeling great!" Hina replied with a smile.

"That's great honey, congratulation on getting a quirk..." Hisashi said as he walks into the living room.

"Yeah! Now I can't wait to see Ni-chan quirk." Hina said looking towards Izuku.

Izuku just smiles at her remark. They proceed to have breakfast. Afterward, Hina and Izuku went towards Katsuki house.


"Katsuki! Let's play!" Izuku said at the door.

The door open and Katsuki came to play.

"Okay!" Katsuki replied as he walks with them towards the park.

"What is your quirk?" Izuku asks at the park.

"The doctor said it was named explosion. I can make an explosion from my hand using my sweat." Katsuki finish.

"That's cool!" Izuku said with stars in his eyes. "That's a cool quirk Katsuki! You can be a hero like All might!" Izuku continues.

"Yeah! What about you guys? Did you got your quirk yet?" Katsuki ask back

Izuku shakes his head. "I don't know about mine yet, but Hina got a quirk!" Izuku said. "She can use psychic power like my mom except it was stronger!" Izuku continues.

"That's so cool Hina-chan," Katsuki said.

They then played together until evening. Hina got home first leaving Izuku and Katsuki at the park. Katsuki's was about to went home before Izuku stopped him.

"Wait for a second Katsuki," Izuku said with a serious tone.

"What is it Izuku?" Katsuki was a bit surprised by Izuku sudden change of tone.

"Last night... I have a dream." Izuku started.

Izuku explains the event that happens in his dream.

"And I was scared that it was real so I ran towards Hina's room, I'm glad that she was fine that night... But what if my dream was real? I'm scared Katsuki." Izuku said with tears in his eyes.

"It's okay Izuku, it was just a dream..."
Katsuki said comforting his best friend.

"Thank you Katsuki, no wonder you're my best friend," Izuku said smiling.

They were about to went home when suddenly something happens.

"WATCH OUT!" an unfamiliar voice yelled.

Izuku looks towards the voice and saw a baseball flying at high speed towards Katsuki.

"Katsuki! Be careful!" Izuku said holding out his arms.

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