Chapter 3x > Nights of regrets

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(Third Person POV)

Katsuki, Hina, and Izuku are on their bed sleeping peacefully.

Dream flows into their minds.

Katsuki appear in Hina's room when they were 4, the day Izuku quirk manifest.

Katsuki saw Hina panicking, scared of her own quirk. Katsuki tried to help but she only passed through her, he could just watch as Hina was scared for her own life. Then, he heard his best friend's voice.

"Hina!" Izuku called in a happy tone.

Katsuki looks towards Hina and saw her voice won't come out.

Katsuki could only watch as the girl he loves crying for help.

Then her voice came out.

"Nii-san Help!"

In the instant, Izuku blows the door open using his quirk, and everything played out as what Hina told him.
Katsuki felt worthless to be only able to watch and do nothing. He wanted to make a change.

Hina is at the playground. She saw Katsuki and Izuku around the age of 4. She immediately figures out it was the day that she feared the most. It was the day her second quirk activates.

She saw herself went home as Katsuki and Izuku stay longer in the playground. She was about to follow her younger self until her brother called out her crush.

"Wait for a second Katsuki," Izuku called.

"What is it?" Katsuki asks walking back towards Izuku.

"Last night I had a dream," Izuku told Katsuki.

This piqued Hina's interest so she came closer to hear their conversation.

Izuku told Katsuki about the event that happens in his dream.

Hina was shocked to hear what happen to her and Katsuki in her brother's dream.

Hina just looked at her brother crying as he was scared of his dream. Scared because it was all felt so real.

Hina smiled when Katsuki cheered her brother up. They were about to went home before someone warned them.

"Watch out!"

Katsuki looks towards the voice and then notices the ball that was flying towards his head.

Hina tried to catch the ball but it only passed through her. She closed her eyes not wanting to see her crush get hurt, but Katsuki voice surprised her.

"Izuku you got a quirk!"

"Yeah, I have a quirk. I'm just glad that you're alright." Izuku said sitting on the ground.

Hina just smiles watching how her brother manifests his quirk.
Though she still feels a bit discomfort after hearing Izuku's dream.

Izuku is at the Bakugo's residents. He knows this was a day before his quirk manifest. A day before the disaster that shook his sister forever.

He watches as the Bakugo's enter their car and drive to check his quirk with the doctor.

"After doing some test, I found out that your quirk is a strong one indeed." The doctor said.

"What does it do?" Katsuki asks with his usual excitement.

"Its name is Explosion, you can create an explosion from your palm using your sweat. Your sweat act like a liquid that can explode upon contact with flames." The doctor explains.

Katsuki took a second to understand what the doctor said in the end he comes up with a conclusion.

He makes sweat,
He makes boom,
He is happy.

Izuku laughs at his best friend's simple conclusion. The Bakugo's went home after the check-up. After dinner, Katsuki instantly went to his room ignoring Mitsuki warned about not running.

Katsuki is in his room still with a smile.

Izuku watches his friend in silence.

Then the smile turns into a frown a scared one.

Izuku was shocked by the sudden change of expression.

"My sweat can hurt people?" Katsuki asks in a low voice.

Izuku was hurt seeing his best friend like that.

"Then... I'll practice and train more than everyone else. I'll work hard so that I can make my quirk usable around people!" Katsuki said with determination.

Izuku smiled hearing his best friend remark. But the pain of seeing his friend frown didn't disappear but remain in his heart.

That night, Izuku, Katsuki, and Hina frown in their sleep.

When they woke up, they won't remember a single thing about their dream. They would only remember the feeling they have, worthless, scared, pain.

-714 words

And done chapter 3. Nothing much I guess onwards to the next fanfic!

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