Chapter 3/1 > Izuku's Start

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After getting off the bus I arrived at Battle Center A, Katsuki and Hina are in Battle Center D and G. I quickly went to a corner getting as far away as possible from other contestants.

I'm not good with crowds only on some occasions I can handle them mentally. I prepared for the test and stretch. Then I saw Uraraka in the middle of the crowds, I thought of thanking her once again for the save earlier, but I rather not risk her or my chance for UA.

'Good luck' I wished for her silently.

Then the things I hate the most happen. Some dude just randomly taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey what are you doing standing far away from the entrance are you even trying to apply for UA?" A blue hair glass guy asks me.

My introverted kick in, I was unable to say a single word to him just stared at him feeling uncomfortable.

Ahh, I never thought I would say this but I wish Extro was here...

Before the guy could say anything Present Mic save me by starting the exam.

Without a second thought, I jump a bit higher than usual and flew in through the entrance.

"What are you guys doing? There is no count down in real battles follow that kid!" I heard before Present Mic's voice faded far away.

In the instance, I saw 3 points right at the corner of my eyes. I dash towards him and destroy him using my wind claw. The loud sound attracts a few more points towards me. Instantly I destroyed them before they could even come close to me.

I flew once again looking for any other enemies.

Then out of nowhere, I saw another participant running away from 3 pointers along with two 2 pointers.

I take out my water pouch and pour the water on the floor freezing them.

The pointers that got caught in the ice slip past the participant and I took the chance to destroy the robots earning a few more points.

"Are you alright?" I ask the participants.

"Ah, I'm fine now thank you." He said before going on to another place.

I keep on destroying robots that I found one by one.
Until a rumble could be heard.

I was a bit surprised by the sudden rumble so I look for its cause. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

"What the..." I say when I saw the huge Zero Pointer. How did they get the money for that?

Instantly all the nearby contestants ran away from the robot.

I was about to join them when I heard a familiar voice called out.

I saw Uraraka stuck under rubble.
She should be able to use her quirk to lift the rubble but I guess she reached her limit.

I ran straight to the robot. Passing all the other contestants.

Using my wind quirk I flew straight to the robot face and activate One for all.

I readied a punch and scream "Go away!!!" I punch straight to the robot's face destroying it in the process.

I was about to land when I felt a very stinging pain in my arm. That when I knew using One for all totally massacre my whole arm.

I calm myself and landed in front of Uraraka. I help her out of the rubble ignoring my arm stinging pain.

I was about to walk away before Uraraka pushes me to the front avoiding a piece of the Zero pointer. After I punch the Zero pointer square in the face a few pieces of metal from the Zero pointer falls straight in my direction, luckily Uraraka saw that and push me out of the wey.

"Thanks," I said panting from the pain in my arm.

Uraraka didn't say anything she throws up instead, I guess that is her quirk drawbacks.

After a while, an old lady I recognized as Recovery Girl appear and heal my arm along with Uraraka's sprain ankle.

I walk through the gates to wait for Katsuki and Hina but I was called by Uraraka.

"Wait for a second Midoriya!" Uraraka called out.

I turn around and saw her running towards me. Ahh, she is so beautiful.

"I just want to say thank you very much for saving me," Uraraka said bowing to me.

"No, it's nothing, besides you save me too," I said smiling at her. "I mean you save me from falling earlier right isn't it such an irony that you fall too?" I told her.

"Yeah, anyway thanks a lot see you again!" Uraraka said as she went home.

I walk to the gates and was met with Katsuki and Hina.

"Why are you late?" Extro asks.

"I got something I need to do," I lied.
Obviously, Extro didn't believe this.

Extro just smirks "Is it about that girl earlier" He said.

I blush a bit at his remark but quickly punch him at the shoulder.

Hina instead has a shock expression.

"My brother blush, now that's a sight rarely to be seen," Hina said to me.

We went home after the ruckus died down.

-865 words.

Ok Izuku POV is done.

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