Chapter 4.1 > Farewell is hard

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(Third Person POV)

The Midoriya's family is at the front gates, they have just finished sending Izuku and Hina stuff in their dorms,

"So this is goodbye," Izuku said with a smile holding back tears,

"Don't be like that Izuku, it's just for now, we will still meet each other on holidays," Hisashi said patting her son's shoulder.

"Yeah, I know that," Izuku said as a drop of tear flow down his cheeks.

Hina couldn't hold it anymore as she hugs her parents,

"I'm going to miss you guys," Hina said.

"Don't worry about our dear, I'm going to take care of your mom," Hisashi said patting Hina's head.

Hisashi then walks towards Izuku.

"Make sure to take care of your sister alright,"

"Ok," Izuku answers.

They said their farewells as Izuku and Hina watch their parent car drives away towards another destination.

Hina walks back into the dorms to rest in her room.

Izuku was about to join her when he heard his best friend's voice.

"I'm going now," Katsuki said.

"Don't you dare cause trouble for Izuku," Mitsuki yelled at her son

Katsuki went inside the dorms followed by Izuku.

"Yeah doesn't make some trouble for me," Izuku teased him.

"Shut up!"

They went to their rooms and sit on their bed, class starts tomorrow so they have a day for themselves.

Izuku look at his notebooks


Looks like, today is your last day here at Aldera.

Their teacher said as the class cheered for their friend's achievement.

"I know you could do it!" One of Hina's friends said.

"Work hard, don't you dare slack off!" One of Katsuki's friends scolded.

"Good luck and when your famous don't you dare forgot about us!" One of Izuku's friends said.

They smiled at their friend's remark,

Flashback ends

Izuku went out of his room and sit in the common room, there he saw some of his future classmates. Some were too awkward to talk to each other, some would rather sit in their room all day. Some were conversing with each other. Izuku walks towards the couch and plays his phone there.

He was reading the Hero news on his phone when Katsuki sits beside him

"Yo, Izu! What you reading," Katsuki said as he made his way beside Izuku.

"I want some peace please," Izuku said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nii-san, Kat you guys finish setting up your room yet?" Hina said as she joins us on the couch,

Izuku just nods,

Then out of nowhere Ochaco joins them as she sits on the couch beside Hina

They talk for a bit until a question flew from Ochaco.

"So what up with those idiots the other day?" Ochaco asks looking at Izuku and Katsuki who seem to know about them.

"Yeah what about them?" Hina joins in.

Izuku looks at Katsuki and then answers.

"So they keep a grudge that long? What a jerk, luckily you were so good at leading," Ochaco said making Izuku blush.

Soon more students join them, now they all talk together about their interests, quirks, and so on.

A guy or a midget to be exact was looking at the girls in the dorms drooling, though the author has plans for him so that the readers don't have to worry.

-550 words

Now that Chapter 4 is done I can go on to my other books.

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