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(Third Person Pov)

Izuku sat in his room, reading books.
Even at the age of 4 he rarely gets out of his house. Safe to say he is an introvert. The only friend he has is Katsuki Bakugo his best friend. His best friend occasionally invites him to play and usually, he would rather not. Katsuki is an extrovert. They met when they were three.


Izuku's mother Inko drive him to Dagobah Beach. The fresh air he breathes in when he opened the car door was refreshing. Izuku love visiting Dagobah beach with his mother. It was his 2nd favourite place. When Inko picks him up he felt wind blew through his hair. Inko then went towards a family.

"Yo Inko glad you could make it!" An unknown voice said. Izuku looks towards the owner of the voice and saw a woman with spiky blond hair.

"Hello, Mitsuki. How are you?" Inko asks?

"Fine as usual, is that Izuku?" Mitsuki asks pointing at Izuku.

"Yeah, where is Katsuki?" Inko asks back.

Mitsuki just points towards her husband playing with their children.

Inko sat beside Mitsuki and place Izuku. "Say hello dear," Inko said to Izuku

"Hello," Izuku said and wave towards Mitsuki.

Mitsuki smile and wave back before asks Inko again. "Where the other one?"

"On their way," Inko said smiling.

Then they heard a footstep. Izuku looks up to see his father holding his twin sister.

"Sorry, I'm late." Izuku's father Hisashi said.

"You always late, even in our graduation ceremony" Mitsuki tease.

"Don't remind me of that" Hisashi said as he laughs awkwardly.

Hisashi places his daughter beside Izuku.

"So what's her name?" Mitsuki asks her best friend.

"Hina, Hina Midoriya." Hisashi answer.

"That a lovely name, I wish Izuku, Hina and Katsuki would be best friends," Mitsuki said as her husband Masaru bring Katsuki towards them.

The door opens and Katsuki came in.

"Izuku lets go out and play!" Katsuki said.

"Sure," Izuku said as he puts down the book he is reading. Before they go out Izuku went to Hina's room. "Hina we are going out to play, want to come?" Izuku said.

"Okay!" Hina came out of her room and follow them to play.

At the park

Izuku, Katsuki and Hina arrive at the park. They play together for a while until something happens.

Katsuki hand start to spark a bit. They stop playing and they watch Katsuki hand as it sparks a few more times.

"Woah!" Izuku eyes spark with excitement. "You got a quirk! That so cool." Izuku continues.

"Yeah!" Hina said.

They stop playing and went home. The Bakugo household went to a quirk clinic to learn more of Katsuki's quirk.

Izuku went to his room and continue reading the book. Hina just about to enter her room when she accidentally falls. Oddly she didn't touch the floor. She was floating.

"I-Izuku, help!" Hina cried for her brother.

Izuku quickly went out of his room to see a floating Hina. He didn't think he just quickly tried to cushion Hina fall.
But it didn't come. He gets up and slowly take Hina hand.

"Calm down Hina, It just your quirk," Izuku said with a soft voice.

Hina calms down as she slowly fell down. Izuku catches her instantly. He then smiles.

"Hina you got a quirk!" Izuku said to her sister.

"Yeah. I have a... Quirk..." Hina said before passing out.

"Hina!" Izuku scream.

Inko heard Izuku's scream and was shocked when she saw Hina passing out. She quickly brings Hina and Izuku into the car and drives to the clinic. In the car, Izuku explains what just happen with a concerned face.

At the clinic

The doctor explains what actually happens. Apparently, Hina has a psychic quirk the same as her mother except it was more powerful. The drawback was if it was overused her body will heat up and she will most likely faint. Izuku was happy for his sister but also sad after learning the drawback.

They went home after Hina wake up. Since she was still 4 her quirks were too strong for her so she still won't be able to use it. After learning of her quirk she was happy yet scared if she might die because of her quirk. Izuku looks at his sister and smile. "If you fainted than I will catch you," Izuku said assuring his sister.

Izuku was walking towards his room. Hina is currently resting in her room.
Izuku went to bed early and recall the event that happens today. He sleeps with a smile on his face.

Izuku Dream

Izuku was at Dagobah Beach alone listening to the wave. The wind blew around him as if they were playing with him. On the side of the water stood Hina. She was making a sandcastle with Katsuki. Izuku smile and walks towards them. But, before he could walk the water starts to get rough. A big wave coming. Izuku was now afraid of what might happen to his sister and his best friend. He ran towards them. The wave coming in close and about to splash at them before Izuku yelled: "STOP!" The water stop and did not move. As if it is following Izuku commands. The water then starts to crack as his dream shattered.

Izuku woke up with tears in his eyes.
He ran towards Hina room and went to check on his sister. He breathes a sigh of relief as he sees his sister sleeping peacefully. He went back to his room to sleep. Unknown to him the tears from his eyes earlier was floating around. Izuku went to sleep while thinking 'it's just a dream'. He closes his eyes and went to sleep so he could greet his sister in the morning.

The tears earlier finally drop to the floor. The wind that was quiet before starts to move again. The night went quiet again.

The same night at Dagobah Beach

The wave of water that was stopped earlier move again. The wind that was gathering in a single spot start to spread again. As the night went along like any other night before.


1029 words


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