Chapter 10 > The Aftermath

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(Izuku Pov)

I open my eyes, white light enters my view as it fills me with light and disperses darkness in my eyes a few seconds ago.

What came to my view first is the familiar Nurse Office roof. I get up from the bed feeling tired. Right after the doors open.

"Oh? You're finally awake, you were saving your classmate right?" Recovery Girl asks.

Saving my classmates? I don't remember that happen.

"Your friends have been waiting for you to wake up a few days ago too," Recovery Girl said as I suddenly realized a heavy thing on my lap.
When I look at the thing on my lap, I saw it was an arm and the owner of the arm is...

Katsuki, sleeping with Hina and Ochaco beside him. Seeing Hina I suddenly realize what she meant earlier. Memories flooding back as I remember losing control at USJ. My face heats up and became red as I remember Ochaco's kiss and confession right after I regain consciousness.

I look at Hina and smile, glad that she safe. The moment I saw that Nomu heading towards Hina my brain just shut down and I don't know what came over to me after that. It felt like I was possessed.

I play with her hair a bit. She suddenly squints her eyes and wakes up. The moment she saw me, she hugs me while tears softly stream down her face.

"N-Nii-san! You're awake, I thought... I thought you will leave me." She said while her hugging gradually became tighter.

"There no way I'm leaving you, your brother is strong remember?" I said trying to cheer her up.

She nods as the frown turn to a smile.

Soon after Katsuki and Ochaco wake up. Katsuki instantly punch me and scolded me for doing whatever I did. I don't even know what I did, but I accept his scolding as I know he only worried for me as his friend.

Ochaco looks at me with happiness written on her face, when she realizes I'm looking over at her, she fidgeting and tries to leave the room. But she was stopped by me as I want to talk to her later.

When we're all calmed down, RG sat in front of me and gave a rundown on how badly my body condition is.

Multiple scars on my arm, a weird crack appears on my right arm but the crack itself can't be touched nor be close. Internal bleeding mainly on my arms and stomach. Even after using RG power, my bleeding stopped and leave a scar along with my arms.

"It seems the power itself is too much for your body when you lose control, your body not only overuse your quirk but it also absorbs natural energy right to your body. While it causes mass bleeding internally in your body, it also strengthens your body resistance against multiple-element attacks. Your quirk capability is improved and its efficiency also increased. But don't let it get to your head. I investigate the crack at your right arm. While I still don't understand how or why it happens, I want it to be a reminder to never overuse your quirk, we don't know what might be the consequences,"

I occasionally take a glance at my crack. It looks cool to be perfectly honest, but at the same time, I can't shake this feeling that something huge is related to it. For now, I'll listen to RG advice and control my quirk usage.

When we came back to the dorms, everyone waiting in the common room. Everyone immediately crowded around me to ask about the other day, but I simply could answer that I don't know. Some gave their thanks for my rampage gave a few villains distraction enough for them to win back the battle. But I could feel scorn looks from a few people as their trust towards me lowered thanks to my rampage.

Midnight hits

We finish eating our dinner and I went to the outside of the dorms where I ask Ochaco to meet me. Arrived outside I saw Ochaco in her pink hoodie with slight red on her cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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