Chapter 3/3 > Hina's Struggle

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I am standing inside the crowd.
I saw multiple people with different quirks. Nii-san must be thrilled to write about their quirks in his notebook...or he would just be too shy to talk with any of them.

I chuckled as I remember those incidents.

A few years back
The day they enter Aldera Junior High.

"Yo! My name is Katsuki Bakugo! How you all doing?" Katsuki introduces himself with his usual overexcited presence.

Though he knows of Nii-san introvert personality, he still never thought of him as someone to be weak-minded. Especially to be more weak-minded than me.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya. Hi." Nii-san introduces himself.

Whenever he's with new people he would have a hard time talking with them especially if all of them are looking at him.

"My name is Hina, Hina Midoriya I'm his twin sister." I introduce myself while pointing towards Nii-san.

Of course, he gets shy afterward.

Although he is shy like that...

He is still my hero

Flashback ends

"Start!" Present Mic announces as we all dash in the battle center.

"What are you doing? There is no countdown in real battle follow that kid!" I heard Present Mic said again as I felt a gush of wind passing my face.

Must be Nii-san.

I dash to the battlefield and search for some points.

I saw some a few 1 and 2 points in front instantly I emit a few flames around me and aim it at the pointers.

It went on like this for a few minutes. Every time I saw pointers I emit flame and shoot it at them.

After a while, the amount of pointer is starting to decrease.

Some people were fighting over points, some were panicking about not having enough points.

I lift myself using my telekinesis and flew on top of a building to have a better look around the battlefield.

Then a huge earthquake ensues.

The building I was on exploded causing me to fall on the ground.


I tried to get up but a few rubbles hit me making my ankle sprain.

I look up in fear as I saw the huge 0 pointers above me.

Everyone ran away from the 0 pointers not noticing me asking for help.

I was scared as my memories flash through my eyes.


It's okay Hina... Calm down

If you lose your quirk, who would I train with then?

If you're gone who would help me then?

Nii-san words played in my mind. Hearing the last one I stop panicking and tried to use my quirk.

I emit multiple flames around me and keep emitting them and aim all at once at the 0 pointers.

"I still need to repay Nii-san!" I screamed as my flames became hotter and melt the 0 pointers to the core.

All that left after the attack was the melted remainings of the 0 pointers.

I crawled away from the remainings of the 0 pointers and laid on the nearest building.

After a while, Recovery Girl arrives and heal my injuries.

I clean myself up and went to change my cloth. Then I waited for Nii-san and Katsuki at the gate.

As I wait for them, I was drowned in my own thoughts.

If you're gone who would help me then?

'When did Nii-san said that?'

Then Katsuki called me out bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Hmm? Oh, Katsuki!"

"What's wrong you seem to be spacing out for a bit,"

'Should I tell him? He is Nii-san and my Best Friend I guess I could trust him.'

"(Sigh) I really don't want to talk about this but don't tell anyone else about this," I said as I told him about the incidents.

Ni-chan! Help!

It's okay Hina... Calm down, I'm here. Don't be afraid. I will always protect you.

"That was how I got my fire quirk." I finish told him.

"I'm so sorry for what happened. Is Izuku ok?" Katsuki asks concern for his friends.

"Nii-san is all right, the doctor told us since we got father gene we are resistant towards fires. But still... If it isn't because of this dumb quirk..." I said starting to berate myself.

"Don't say it like that... It not your fault you know, you still can't control it at that time... If Intro heard you right now he must have hit you for berating yourself like that." Katsuki said.

I gave a faint smile. "Yeah, he would, thanks for listening. Please don't tell anyone else."


After a few minutes

"Geez what took him so long?" Katsuki said annoyed.

I just shrugged.

Then Ochaco exits UA gates and walks home I guess she didn't notice us huh.
She got a faint blush as she walks home.

Right after Ochaco exits, Nii-san arrived.

"Why are you late?" Katsuki immediately asks Nii-san.

"I got something I need to do," Nii-san said though I know he's lying since he averted his eyes when he answered.

Then, Katsuki mock Nii-san making him blush.

"My brother blush, now that's a sight rarely to be seen," I said.

At home

"Nii-san," I called out to my brother.


"I told Katsuki about that," I told him.

"What did he say?" Nii-san asks looking at my eyes.

"He told me the exact same thing you said to me," I told him with a smile.

"That's good to hear, just know if you're in trouble, I'll always be on your side," Nii-san said.

I smiled at his words.

-944 words

Hina POV is done

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