Chapter 5 > First day in UA

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(Third Person POV)

Izuku wakes up earlier than his classmates as he went to the bathroom to take a shower and get a head start.

After showering, Izuku irons his uniform to make a good impression on the first day of his new high school. Finish ironing his uniform, he went back to his room and decided to read a book before his classmates get up. As he was reading the book a notification came into his phone.

He checks from who he got the message and smiles when he read his mother's number.

"Hello, honey, how your first day, I'm not sure what time it will be there once this message gets to you, but here in America it is 1 pm. I and your father just arrive here by plane. How's Hina doing? I know it may sound paranoid but please be careful at your new school, and take care of your sister okay?" The voice message ends.

Izuku checks the clock and saw that it was almost 10 am meaning that class will start in a few hours, Izuku went out of his room and knock on his friend's door.

"Katsuki, wake up it's 10 am," Izuku called knocking on the door.

At first, it was pure silence then the doorknobs starts to spin as Katsuki went out of his room with his eyelids closed.

"Okay..." He said in a tired voice. He walks slowly to the bathroom to wash his face.

Izuku then went to his classmate's room, waking them up one by one.
Not wanting to disturb the girls too much, Izuku wakes Hina first to then he asks her to wakes up the other girls

Izuku went to the kitchen as he makes a simple toast and egg for his classmates. He sits on the counter and eats his breakfast peacefully as he scrolls down his phone checking the news of heroes' activities.

His classmates went to the kitchen one by one after takes a shower. Still wearing yesterday's cloth his classmates ate their breakfast that Izuku made either beside him or on the couch.

"Ooh! Midoriya, this is delicious! How did you make these?" Ashido asks as she takes another bite out of her toast.

The other residents of class A nod in agreement as they are now enjoying their breakfast.

Izuku just shrugs before answering, "Family secrets?" He then washes his hands and the frying pan he used. He went back to his room to change into his uniform.

Each of the students that have finished their breakfast wash their dishes as they then went to their room and prepared themselves for school.

Izuku has just finish change into his uniform, he then snaps a picture in front of his mirror and sends it to his mother.

Hina who has just finished breakfast and is now changing her cloth into her uniform checks her phone to found a voice recording sent by her mother.

"Hina, how are you doing there, me and your father just leave the airport and are now on our way to our new house. Don't worry we both are doing just fine here in America, I miss you, my baby, work hard and show them your power okay dear!" The voice message ends as Hina smile at her mother's message.

She finishes changing into her uniform and currently combing her hair. After finish changing, she went out of her room and wait for her classmates to get ready. She sits on the couch playing on her phone with her brother sitting beside her.

After a while, the students of 1-A has finished their preparation and walk together to their class.

Izuku walks beside Hina with Katsuki beside him. Ochaco who was also beside Hina was talking to a girl with a frog quirk. She introduces herself as Tsuyu Asui and insists that everyone called her by her given name.

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