Chapter 7 > How it all goes

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(Izuku POV)

'What was that just now? My Geokinesis didn't work, I got a drawback?' I thought as I cover my face.

'For now, I'll forget about this, Hina do your best,' I thought again now keeping my eyes on the screen.

(Third Person POV)

Ojiro and Hagakure have finished setting the bomb in place, "Ojiro I will do my best let's win this!" Hagakure said as she takes off her glove and her shoes.

'Wait is she going naked?' Ojiro thought.

Heroes team

"They're on the third floor, Hagakure takes off her glove and her shoes she going to ambush us," Shoji said to Ochaco and Hina nods.

"We should carefully get to the bomb, once we reached the third floor I'm going to emits heats so that we can see Toru," Hina said.

"That's good, so I and Shoji will deal with Ojiro then," Ochaco said to Shoji in agreement

They slowly walk past the second floor. Once reached the third floor, Hina emits a small flame and heated the surrounding. Ochaco and Shoji have taken the distance.

After a few minutes passed, they could hear water dripping, when they look at the direction of the noise they saw water dripping from thin air.

"Hina that's not fair you know!" Hagakure said as she retreated from her attempts.

Hina, Shoji, and Ochaco walk into the room that houses the bomb. Once there they saw Ojiro getting into a fighting posture with sweats dripping from his head.

"So this heat is your doing Midoriya," Ojiro said as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

Hina stop emits heat and gets into a fighting posture along with Shoji and Ochaco. Hagakure is nowhere to be seen but Hina and her team still haven't notice that yet.

Observation room

"Hina sure is amazing, she leads her team just like her brother," Ashido said.

"It is Hina," Katsuki said to Izuku agreement

"Bakugo," Asui called.

"What is it Asui?" Katsuki asks.

"Call me Tsuyu, anyway I'm just going to be blunt here," Tsuyu said as she leans to Katsuki ears. "Do you like Hina-chan? (kero)" Tsuyu asks making Katsuki red.

"I- I'm not sure what to answer," Katsuki said as he looks down.

Izuku chuckles at his friend's behavior as he continues to watch the fight.

Back to the fight

Hina slowly emitted flame to attack Ojiro but she was snatched by Hagakure to the opposite side of the room.

Hagakure and Hina are going one on one in the corner while Ojiro going two on one.

"Very stealthy, Toru," Hina said as she looks around in beware.

"That is the only trick I can do anyway, or is it?" Hagakure said intimidating Hina.

Ojiro was glad that Hagakure came to take one off him, now he needs to deal with Ochaco and Shoji.

"Ojiro just gives up, it's two on one," Shoji said.

"I can't just give up, not so hero like does it?" Ojiro said back with a smirk.

Shoji charges at Ojiro as he tried to land a blow on Ojiro, Ojiro uses his tail to block Shoji's attack and kick Shoji back.

Ochaco tried to touch Ojiro but Ojiro manage to knock her back as well.

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