Chapter 4 > Thank you

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(Izuku POV)

I woke up feeling depressed, I'm not sure why but I got a feeling my dream last night had something to do with it.

I can't seem to remember what last night's dream is all about but one thing I'm sure of was that it pains me. Something happens in my dream that pains me.

I walk outside and take shower and went to school. Casual day.

I went to school with Hina and met Extro on the way.

When we arrive at school some of our friends ask us how the exam going, so we told them how the exam goes.

After school, Katsuki and Hina went straight home while I wander around the town for a bit.

I thought to myself 'What is yesterday's dream?' And went on around the town.

In the alley, I met a dog and an aggressive one. Of course, I'm scared of dogs, especially if they start to bark at me.

The dog charged at me and I close my eyes waiting for the impact. But it fell silent. When I open my eyes I was shocked beyond words.

Finally, I manage to let out a question.

"Did I do that?" I look towards the dog and saw a wall grew from the ground blocking the dog path.

The dog barks at me but I was too stunned at what happened that I'm not sure what to feel anymore.

'Am I that strong?'

I calm myself and called the one person I need to ask right now.

I dialed my phone hoping for an answer.

"Hello there Young Midoriya what is it?" All might asks through the phone.

"I need to talk with you, are you busy right now?"


"Can we meet at Takobah Beach please?"

"I'll be there as soon as I can," All might said before ending the call.

I walk out of the alley ignoring the dog bark and went to Takobah.

When I arrived there I saw Skinny All Might waiting in a hut at the beach.

"What is it do you want to ask Young Midoriya?" All might asks.

"What does One for All actually do?"

My question startled All might a bit.

"One for All is the crystallization of power, to someone that is quirkless it will give them a powerful strength, but to someone that has a quirk it will enhance their quirk," All might explains.

"I see, so that's why," I said looking down.

"What wrong?"

"My power awakened at a new level,"

"What do you mean?"

"Before obtaining One for All, I once tried to control Ground and Fire too, but of course it would result in failure," I said with a smile.

"So what is wrong?" All might asks confused at his successor remarks.

I don't say any words just went to the sand and imagine it shaping into a spike.

All might become shocked at the power

"I don't know what to feel, I'm afraid of my powers All might. I'm afraid that I'll be too strong that I can't even control it anymore. I'm afraid that I accidentally hurt someone with this power." I said with tears in my eyes.

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