Chapter 9 > The Foreseen Trouble

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Yeah... We all know what this chapter gonna be about. I'll try not to make it too boring, I don't know about you guys but the USJ arc doesn't excite me that much. The only thing I'm waiting for in that arc is the part Deku saves his friends.

(Allmight Pov)

I am currently jumping throughout the city near UA. I'm late right now as I miss the bus. It's better if I head to USJ immediately.
'What does Aizawa mean yesterday?' I thought to myself.


(You better come tomorrow)

(What do you mean Aizawa?)

(Just come, I'm too tired to explain it)

Flashback ends

"Help! Someone!" I heard a citizen yelled not far from my location.

'Well then, helping along the way won't hurt right?' I thought as I dive to help citizens nearby.

(Izuku Pov)

"U.S.J, also known as Unforeseen Simulation Joint. I can't believe I'm finally going there," I mumbled to myself.

"Deku, you sure are excited about this," Ochaco sweatdropped beside me.

"He been talking about USJ since we were kids, right Hina?" Katsuki asks Hina for confirmation.

"Uhh yeah..." Hina said with a sweatdropped as she reminisced the past.

(Slight Author Pov)
When they were kids, Hina once accidentally walk into Izuku room. She was a bit shock by the poster of multiple pro heroes. But the one poster that outshines all the other poster is the USJ poster their dad brought home. Hina stares at the poster before tilting her head in confusion.

Young Izuku then came to the room surprised that his sister is in his room.
After a few talks about privacy, Hina asks Izuku about the poster. Hina still regrets asking that as what follows after that is a full 3-hour lecture about the place name USJ. As if that lecture was not enough, Izuku then shows her his multiple attempts to make the replica of USJ including the explanation of what is wrong with that replica. Izuku won't stop talking until Hina suddenly runs back to her room not looking back. Izuku of course still didn't understand what makes her run that day.

Hina suddenly shivers as if she remembers something terrifying. 'I wonder what's wrong?' I thought to myself.

"Hey so, may I asks some question?" Tsuyu suddenly started.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Katsuki said with a smile.

"Midoriya, how does your other quirk work? Does it only improve your strength or it improves others as well? (kero)" Tsuyu asks casually.

"The other one? As far as I know, it only boosts my strength, I've never tried to use it for anything other than that," I replied as I began to thinking thoroughly about how my quirk works.

Katsuki then slaps me on the back of my head snapping me out of my thoughts, "You were mumbling again," Katsuki told me.

"S-sorry," I said smiling embarrassedly.

"So is it like Allmight quirk?" Tsuyu asks again.

I, Katsuki, and Hina stiffen at the question.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"From what I see Allmight's quirk improves his strength and speed so I wonder if yours quirk the same as his, (kero)" Tsuyu said.

"No way, Allmight quirk didn't destroy his body, so I doubt it was the same quirk," Kirishima said making the trio sigh in relief.

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