Chapter 3/2 > Katsuki's Focus

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Ah fuck, I think I did badly in the writing test. The thing Intro said to me disturb my focus that I can't even think of an answer normally. How the hell he knows I like his sister? Did I glance at her too much?

And it's not helping that Hina sitting next to me during the writing test...

During the writing test

'Question 1, what is the requirement of an ack!' My thought was interrupted by Hina's arm slightly touch me.

"Ah sorry," Hina apologized instantly and proceed with the test.

'Question 1, what is the (her hand is so soft!) requirement of a person to do ('Ah sorry,') hero work,'

'Shit not good I can't focus.' I thought as I wrote down the answer.

Flashback ends

With self-scoring, I bet that my result ain't gonna be perfect as Intro so I got to up my game if I want to win the bet.

I have arrived at Battle Center D if I remember correctly Intro said he is at Battle Center A while Hina is at Battle Center G.

Alright! time to give it my all.

I prepare for the exam and get ready to burst with my quirk.

I hear Present Mic voice "Ready, Start!" and I burst using my explosion to get a headstart.

Just you wait, I'm going to win this bet!

In the sky, I saw a 1 pointer and 2 pointers nearby, I fly towards them and instantly destroyed them.

I flew to the sky once again ignoring the other examiners screaming about how that is their point.

I keep on searching and destroying for a few minutes until I was surrounded by multiple pointers.


Well, my explosion somehow attracted nearby pointers towards my direction and when I know it I was already surrounded.

I wait for a moment looking for an opening. If training with All might teach me something then it was to look for an opening, instead of recklessly attacking my opponents.

A 2 pointer suddenly attack me with the others joining in. I flew to the sky and spin myself using my explosion creating a flaming wheel.

The attack successfully destroyed all the pointers around me so I keep on searching for points but now on foot.
I can't keep on using my quirk or else I destroyed my hands.

Good thing Intro told me to be aware of my limits.

Some people decide to the crowd and fight over points like idiots, I ignore them and went with my solo hunting.

Only some people that solo hunting as I did, have to expect people like this too.

I hope Hina didn't crowd and fight over points

Intro is smart so I know full well that he ain't gonna crowd like an idiot, Hina as much as I hate this I can't say the same for her.


5-meter run

"Ready! Set! Go!" Our teacher yelled as we started to run towards the finish line.

I and Intro of course instantly ran for the win, Hina instead was struggling to catch up with us.

Hina is always like that, she is always weak-minded, unlike her brother. When I ask her or him they won't answer but it really got me curious why does she have low confidence in herself?

Flashback ends

I was snapped out of my thought by some guy hitting my shoulder.

I felt an earthquake rumbling near and the other contestant have already run away from the scene.

I look up and Holy shit that a huge 0 pointer.

Should I go for it?

Meh Intro probably took down one as well.

I flew straight to the 0 pointers dodging its attack. I connected my palm with its parts and light up a decent size explosion. Then I went to its other parts and do the same.

This went on for a while until I manage to fully destroyed the 0 pointers. Now I must have won the bet!

I was about to leave but a missile flew my way. I instantly dodge it. Never make the same mistakes again.

I look back to the 0 pointers and it stood back up again.

"(Sigh) Guess I have to use that after all."

I flew to the sky and use the move I learn from Intro.

I spin myself using my explosion.

"Howitzer Impact!"

And that does it, all left was the remaining of a 0 pointer.

Since the other contestant ran away after the 0 pointers appear they left me with tons of points to collect. Lucky me!

I spent the next few minutes to get myself a few more points.

"Time up!" Mic said.

I clean myself up and get my aching hands healed. I grab my stuff and went straight for the gates.

I arrived at the gates and saw Hina waiting for us.

"Hina?" I called out to her. She seems to be spacing out.

"Hmm? Oh, Katsuki!" She replied.

"What's wrong you seem to be spacing out for a bit," I ask her.

"(Sigh) I really don't want to talk about this but don't tell anyone else about this," Hina said as she began her story.

-885 words

Katsuki POV is done, pretty hard to decide what should I write here.
This is fine right?

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