chapter 52

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Fred was sitting on the couch, moping, when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and saw George.

"You tosser!" he said and landed a punch on his jaw.

Fred's vision nearly went black and he tried processing what happened.

"Cheating on your wife in OUR shop right under my nose? I should've KNOWN why Olive was coming in so often. You're a horrid husband, Fred."

Fred was still shocked. He didn't know George would get so defensive.

"Why do you care?" Fred shouted. "You're with Angelina and you don't know the stress of having a child!"

"That doesn't mean I'd CHEAT on her!"

The two were going at it when Molly came into the room.


The boys stopped, immediately, and separated from each other. George looked as if he wanted to murder his twin.

"George, you are in no place to criticize Fred. He knows what he did and I will be speaking to him later, in private. Fred, listen to your brother and stop being a-a tosser!" she said.

Their mouths were still shut, but they knew fighting wouldn't resolve anything. George was still very angered by his brother, but left the room. Molly came up to Fred.

"Episkey," she said and his jaw mended itself. "Don't go finding yourself trouble, Freddie," she murmured. "I want you to be a safe young man who takes care of his loving wife...I know it isn't easy, but you've got to get through it...for Ophelia."

Fred still couldn't speak, but a tear left his eye. Molly kissed him on the forehead.


He opened his mouth and sound came out.

"Thank you."

She nodded and went back to where Ophelia was sleeping. The tension in the house was growing. Ginny wouldn't speak to Fred, Bill would only mutter a few words to him at a time, and George...that was self explanatory.

"I really messed up, mum." he moaned. "I only started seeing Olive after you-know-who escaped Azkaban. It was only 2 or 3 times a-and," Fred sighed. "I must apologize to her. I have to see Emelia."

Molly was glad to see her son maturing, but knew Emelia needed her space. She was probably blowing off some steam.

"I don't think it's wise to see her right now." she advised.

"It can't wait." he murmured before thinking of the one place she'd probably go.

'the Marriott Hotel' and he disappeared with a crack.

"Emelia?" he said.

The figure in front of him was hunched down against the wall and rocking back and forth.

"Need help, need help." it murmured.

"Emelia, hello?"

She turned around and her hair was a mess. Her eyes were so sunken and she looked dehydrated.


He scurried over to her and knelt down. She put her forehead in the nook of his neck and started shaking.

"What happened? Emelia, listen to me. Sit up!"

She wouldn't listen. Fred had to prop her up against the wall and looked at her eyes. They looked glossy. He noticed he'd hand was scorched, badly.

"We must go."

"NO!" she screamed and grabbed onto his hair.

"No, no, no. No St. Mungos. Need Tom."

"You can't be serious," he pleaded. "Not him, oh god no."

She wouldn't listen. Her cries were getting louder.


"What ring?"

Fred looked over to where Emelia was staring and saw a golden ring with a black stone in the middle. In his eyes, it was ghastly. Sadly, his eyes weren't the same as Emelia's. He took a look at her hand and realized it was dark magic.

"I'll get you the ring." he lied.

She nodded and held Fred, rocking back and forth.

"Come on, I'll take you to...Tom too," Fred said cautiously. "You can see him and be happy."

"Thank you." she murmured.

He held her in his arms, not sure of what to do. She was passed out. Fred cradled her and kept his distance from the ring. He knew it had to be destroyed, but he wasn't sure how.

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