Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 19 - Tiergan

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I sprinted up to the leapmaster. Today was the day. I was finally going on a date with Ellie!

It wasn't like I'd been dreaming of this for almost a month. I definitely hadn't imagined asking her out a hundred different ways. And I had never laid awake thinking of her. That would be crazy.

"Atlantis Entrance!" I called up, and the crystal came down, sweeping me off to the rocky island. Ellie had told me to meet her in Biana's shop since she was already there with Willa getting ready, so I released my bottled whirlpool and jumped in.

After walking across Atlantis, I reached Biana's shop. I could see Ellie and Willa in the window. Willa was fussing over Ellie's dress, which was purple and flowy, going a bit past her knees. Ellie kept swatting her away, but I could see both of them laughing. Willa then placed a gold clip in her hair and stood back to admire her work.

I entered the shop, the tiny bell ringing as I opened the door.

"Tiergan!" Ellie exclaimed.

"Hi!" I grinned at her. "You look great."

"Thanks," She said, turning bright red. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Yep," I told her, and together we walked out of the boutique, hand in hand. I was so nervous, but Ellie kept turning to give me reassuring glances.

"Where do you want to go first?"

"Well, there's this restaurant my parents brought me to when I was little. It's really nice, I thought maybe you'd want to grab some lunch?"

"That sounds perfect." Ellie smiled. I led her to the restaurant, which was thankfully close. I had no idea how Ellie managed to walk at all in her heels, but she managed to make it look effortless. We were seated in the back where we both ordered food before talking.

"So, how did your parents react when they found out about... us?" Ellie asked.

"Well, they saw the mistletoe thing, and they questioned me the second we got home, but they're okay with it. A little shocked I guess," I told her. "Aunt Linh was ecstatic."

"Aw, really?" Ellie laughed.

"Yeah. She's the one who told me to get you the crush cuffs."

"Well tell her thank you from me,"

"I will." We went on chatting for hours, until the waitress was giving us dirty looks for staying too long. So we gave her a big tip and then rushed out laughing.

"Come on!" Ellie told me, grabbing my sleeve and pulling me down a street.

"Where are we going?" I laughed as I ran after her.

"You'll see!" We finally stopped, out of breath, at a crystal shop with two floors, a balcony with an elevator going between them.

"Why are we here?"

"This is the scary elevator!" Ellie told me, as if that explained everything. She pulled me up the stairs next to the elevator and gestured for me to go in.

"How is it scary?" It seemed like a regular elevator, a silver room with buttons and a door.

"Just go in and you'll see," Ellie assured me, so I stepped into the elevator and started to go down. Nothing happened the whole ride, and then I heard the elevator click to a stop at the bottom. The door started to open and-

"BOO!" Ellie shrieked, scaring me out of my mind.

"Ellie!" I yelled in surprise.

"See! Scary elevator!" She grinned.

"You're evil."

"Aw, come on, you love me!" She said with a laugh.

"Well, you're right about that," I told her, pulling her closer to me. Her eyes flicked down to my lips and I didn't hesitate to lean down and kiss her. Best first date ever.


"Oh my gosh, it's late!" Ellie said, looking down at her imparter. We had run around the city for hours, getting ice cream, chasing each other, and talking. "I have to get home."

"We can leap there together." I told her. We made the journey back to the bubble thingy to get out of Atlantis and leaped to her house from the rocky island.

"Thank you so much Tiergan, tonight was amazing," She said. I grinned and brushed a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"You're welcome- woah! Your hair is so soft!" I suddenly said, feeling the silky strands. Ellie laughed. "No, I'm serious! Why didn't I know this already?"

"Um, I don't know?!"

"I have to touch your hair more." I decided.

"It's time for you to go home, you big dork," Ellie laughed.

"Fiiiiiiiine. Good night kiss?"


A quick note before you go...

We said in chapter, like, 17, that Ellie and Willa are actually based off of us and that we'd be announcing who is who in the next chapter. Welp, we completely forgot, so here they are now! Only one chapter, one A/N, and one special late!

Willa is based off of Ginger and Ellie is Hopie! We added a couple of things to fit the story, like Ellie's artistic abilities (both of us are terrible artists), but a bunch of the personalities, and even parts of the looks are us!

Anyhoo, bye!!!!

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