Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 13 - Tiergan

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Soooooo we're being bad authors and changing the ages to fit better with the story..... Everyone's now 14 and in level 4. Sorry! (or are we mwahahaha!!!)

Just came back to this chapter to post it and Hopie had added on that bit in parenthesis. I'm too afraid of her to bring it down, so here it will stay.

~ Ginger

I sat in my class, staring at the mentor as she wrote something on the board. She was saying something about Elvin History, but I couldn't focus. My thoughts were on Ellie.

"Tiergan? Tiergan!" My mentor said, breaking me out of my daze. "Since you obviously don't care about this lesson, I'll have you go over the textbook material and write a three page essay to pique your interest."

"Yes Lady Cataline," I sighed.

I came home that evening to be greeted not by my mom or dad, but by my Aunt Linh.

"Tiergan! Guess what?" She said, paused for a millisecond, and then kept talking. "I get to hang out with you tonight! Your parents are at some fancy meeting thing so they asked if I could come over." I was 14, way too old for a babysitter, but Aunt Linh was awesome, and spending time with her was the best. Besides, I might be able to ask her about Ellie.

"Great!" I grinned.

"I already got the mallowmelt, butterblasts, and custard bursts! Oh, and I brought over Princess Purryfins!!! She's been missing you ,"Aunt Linh smiled, pulling out a little aquarium with a shimmery scaled cat.

"Hey there," I cooed, and then followed Aunt Linh inside. When we got to spend time together it would always either be going out on some kind of adventure; hiking, swimming, or sometimes to the forbidden cities, or it would just be a time to chill, eat junk food, and talk. This looked like the latter.

She plopped down on the couch and I joined her, starting to dig into the bowl of custard bursts.

"Soooo what do you want to talk about? Anything going on at school?" She asked. "Any girls maybe???"

"No!!!" I quickly said, but I knew she'd see through my lie. "I mean, sort of?" Aunt Linh bounced up and then scooted closer, giving me a big smile.

"Tell me everything!" So I told her, if somewhat reluctantly, about running into Ellie in the hallway and then eating lunch with her and her friends. There was a lot of squealing from Aunt Linh as well as some 'awwwwwwww's.

"So?" She asked when I had finished.

"So what?" I asked nervously. Did she expect there to be more?

"Well you're obviously crushing on this girl hard, so what are you going to do about it?" I blushed.

"I only met her a few days ago! I'm not going to do anything!" I protested, throwing my hands up.

"Ugh, you are no fun. Just like your dad! When you're finally ready to make a move, come to me!" She told me, brushing my cheek. "Now time for some human movies!"

We watched silly human movies late into the night before Aunt Linh finally fell asleep halfway through Finding Nemo. I clicked off the TV and grabbed a blanket.

As I lay on the couch, trying to fall asleep, I thought about what she had said. I still wasn't sure about doing something about Ellie. It was safer to be her friend. Still, I knew I wanted more than that.

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