Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 11 - Tiergan

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I walked to my locker, brushing food off of my tunic. The run in with Ellie and her friend had been... unexpected, but not necessarily bad. Still, I wasn't sure about the lunch offer. I wasn't the most popular kid in school, and it was normally safer in the library.

Ellie stuck in my mind, though. Throughout the day I couldn't get her face out of my head until I finally decided to go to lunch tomorrow to see if that would make my brain corporate.

That's the reason I found myself entering the cafeteria the next day, nervously fiddling with my tunic.

"Tiergan!" Willa called from across the cafeteria. "Over here! Ellie's been waiting for you!" I blushed and walked over as Ellie elbowed her friend.

"Um, hi," I said, taking a seat near the end of the table.

"Who're you?" Asked a boy with spiky blonde hair who was sitting next to Ellie. Kenric, I remembered. He was Ellie's twin.

"Kenric! You know Tiergan. He was at the "family" reunion last year. Tam and Glimmer's kid!" Ellie elbowed her brother.

"Oh, yeah. Why didn't you tell me he was going to be sitting here today?"

"Because we like to keep you on your toes!" Willa butted in with a smile. This led to an argument that sounded more like teasing.

"Soooooo," I started.

"Sorry about them. Kenric has found his true calling in annoying Willa, and she makes sure to give him a taste of his own medicine." Ellie told me.

"It's okay."

"Thanks for sitting with us! Well, not that you had much choice. We would've tracked you down. You can't eat lunch in the library all alone!" I let out a tiny laugh.

"It wasn't that bad. What do you normally do during lunch? I mean, when you're not talking to Kenric and Willa." I changed the subject.

"Well, I draw a bit, when I remember to bring my notebook." She blushed.

"You like to draw?"

"Yeah. Anything artsy really." Ellie answered, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Her brown eyes shone with flecks of gold, and I could see a few freckles peppering her nose.

"Helloooooo earth to Tiergan?" Willa laughed. "Ellie just asked you if you wanted to sit here more often."

"Oh!" I said, embarrassed that I had been caught staring at Ellie. "Sure, if that's okay with you guys."

"That's more than okay with us!" Kenric said, eyeing Willa with a smirk. "Ellie just loves your company."

"Mhm!" Willa agreed, and I could hear her grunt as Ellie kicked her.

"I'd better go! Bye!" I said, grabbed my bag, and ran off to my next session.

We know it's short, but there's another coming out in a few seconds, so we hope that's compensation.

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