Operation Ask Ellie To The Galla Part 3 - Kenric

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When I woke up, there was a steely resolve planted in my gut. I was going to do it. I'd ask Willa to the dance. Just as friends if I had to. Easing her into it. Yeah, that would have to work.

I jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes from my floor. But as I looked in the mirror, running my hands through my hair, I decided on something from my closet instead. I wanted to look nice. To impress her. Unfortunately, my family caught on the minute I walked downstairs in the first non-wrinkled clothes I'd worn in weeks.

"Is it some kind of special occasion? Or did you finally run out of clothes on your floor?" Ellie smirked as I sat down for breakfast.

"Hey! I just... wanted to look nice today."

"Why? It's not like we're doing anything today. Or aaaaarrreeeee you?" She asked, leaning forward with a big grin.

"No! I'm- I wanted- ugh! Why do I put up with you again?" I rolled my eyes while she laughed and punched me in the arm.

"Because you looove me!"

"Sometimes I wonder," I muttered. But it was just a joke. Even though I'd never admit it, Ellie was one of my best friends.

"Well I have to go. Tiergan and I are meeting up for lunch, and then he has some sort of surprise for me."

"But it's only 9! Why are you going this early?"'

"I'm meeting up with Willa beforehand!"

"Can I come?" I blurted out without thinking. Oh great. Here we go.

"Awwww Kenwic wants to spend time with his lovebird!" Ellie teased, tousling my hair. I swatted her hand away.

"No! I just want to see her siblings! They all adore me, and for good reason," I smirked, fixing my hair.

"Mhm, sure. Keep telling yourself that."

"Oh I will!!!" She rolled her eyes, but also stopped questioning me, so I considered that a win.

Together we made our way to the leapmaster, Ellie still occasionally calling me smitten. In seconds, we had glittered into the gardens of Willa's house. She was already running down the path to meet us. Her curly hair was flowing out loosely behind her as it glittered in the sunlight. She was wearing a light blue sundress and a gold necklace that bounced against her neck as she ran.

"Hey Ellie! Oh, Kenric!" she said after a double take. "Ellie didn't tell me you'd be coming." Normally 'd take offense to something like this, but Willa's tone was happily surprised, and I knew she didn't have a rude bone in her body.

"Good to see you too," I smirked at her.

"Oh, come on, you know that's not what I meant."

"Yeah, sure," I laughed.

"Anyways, Ellie, today is a big day, so it's good Kenric's here! I'll need my assistant to help you get ready!" I was about to protest that I was her partner when Ellie butted in.

"It's just another date! I don't have to look like a councilor or something!"

"But this one is special!"

"What do you mean?" Ellie asked, confused. Oh no.

"What dear Willa means," I quickly said, "is that we were thinking you could surprise Tiergan! I can count on one hand the amount of times he's seen you in something other than your paint clothes."

"Hey! This shirt isn't one of my paint shirts!"

"That's because it's not yours. It's Tiergan's." Willa deadpanned, making me laugh.

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