Part 2 - Boys ~ Chapter 16 - Kenric

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Double chapter Friday!!!!!

"Oh yeah, I've been here before!" I said as we walked up to Biana's shop in Atlantis. It was a clear crystal building, displaying all sorts of dresses, capes, and accessories through the glittering stone. "My mom took me and Ellie out here to get a gift for someone."

"Oh, yeah! That adorable brooch!" Biana instantly said. I wondered if she forgot anything. We walked into the boutique and Willa went straight for the counter and opened the cash register.

We don't know much about elf stores from the books, so we're just making this like a human one.

"I'll be in the back sewing if you need me!" Biana told us as she disappeared into the back of the store.

"Sounds good, Mom!" Willa called. "So, Kenric. I can man the counter and you can... um..."

"I can annoy you! It'll be great!" I offered. Annoying people was my specialty.

"I think you'll be doing that no matter what I have you do." Willa said with an eye roll.

"Why thank you!" I grinned, making her finally laugh after a bit of resistance.

"But seriously, you have to act normal in front of customers. I don't want to get in trouble with my mom." She told me, so I made a mental note to act as odd as possible. I knew she wouldn't actually get in huge trouble.

Just as Willa had finished organizing the cash register, a lady came in in a fancy ball gown and flowing cape. Her hair was pinned with hundreds of jewels and her whole body seemed to sparkle.

"Lady Rhea, it's good to see you!" Willa greeted the woman. "Can I help you find anything?"

"I'm looking for a hair pin to go with the dress I bought last week, something elegant, but still commanding of power and..." the woman rambled on, so I decided to explore the back of the shop. I found all sorts of dresses, accessories, and beauty elixirs.

"Hey Biana, could I borrow some of this stuff to prank Willa?" I asked the woman as she hovered over a sewing machine.

"Sure! Just make sure to put it all back the way it was when you're done. I don't want to see that you've wrinkled something." She told me. I quickly nodded and started to down elixirs and change in the little bathroom. Soon, I was ready.

I had drank a few elixirs to make my hair grow out long and curly, and then I found a dress that sort-of fit and pulled it on along with a pair of heels. After having Biana pin a few jewels in my hair, my look was complete.

I snuck out the back door and came back into the shop from the front, making sure to strut like I'd seen some stuffy nobles do.

"Hi, how may I help you today-" Willa started, and then saw my face. "Kenric!"

"I got you soooo good," I laughed as she tried to erase the surprised expression from her face.

"Shut up! Now go away so I can help this customer!" She shooed me away, towards a rack of dresses.

"Oooh, now this one is nice," I said in a pompous voice as I held up a green dress. "Not really my color though. I absolutely adore the lace of this one, but the hem goes a bit low, don't you think?"

"Kenric!" Willa hissed.

"So you agree then. Shame, it really was nice."

"Oh!" The lady who had come in earlier exclaimed, pointing at the dress I held. "That's perfect! I've been looking for one for a gala for weeks now, and I just know that's it! You have good taste,"

"Oh, I know." I smirked.

"Don't inflate his ego more!" Willa laughed from the counter.

"Actually, I think he could be a great help. What brooch do you think would go with this?" The lady asked, holding a purple sash.

"Well, we could go for more purple, but I think that might overdo it. We could find something gold for a royal look, or if you want something more playful maybe diamonds?" I suggested.

"Perfect! Biana!" The woman called into the back. Biana came out with a questioning look. "This young man has wonderful taste! You've chosen a wonderful new employee. And having him sample the merchandise is simply genius!"

That's how I got a part time position at Biana's Designs.

Someone asked in the last Kenric chapter to include a picture of whatever dress we stuff Kenric in, so here it is!

Someone asked in the last Kenric chapter to include a picture of whatever dress we stuff Kenric in, so here it is!

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