Part 1 - Girls ~ Chapter 9 - Ellie

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above is a snippet from a fight we had today

I ran down the blue halls, trying to get to my gym locker. Willa was close behind me, trying not to slip. At one point someone had thrown their pudding at her feet, and her boots were drenched in it.

As I turned a corner, I suddenly smacked into something, or rather, someone a foot taller than me. I quickly back up, slamming into Willa and knocking her over.

"Hey!" She said.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed, looking into the face of the guy I had slammed into, covering him with the food plastered to my uniform.

He had dark hair and silvery blue eyes and wore a blue uniform, so he was in my level. I wondered how he'd escaped the food fight. His uniform was immaculate, or it probably had been, before I slammed into him.

"Oh, um, it's fine." He said, wiping his hands on his shirt. "It was my fault, I should've looked where I was going."

"I was the one running through the halls like a crazy person!" I pointed out, and then wished I hadn't. It wasn't the best first image. I was sure my face was bright red.

"You dropped this," He said, leaning down to pick up my silver bracelet. My mom had given it to me years ago.

"Thanks! Wait, how did you avoid the food fight? You're in level two like me." I said, and Willa grunted behind me. "Like us." I corrected, giving her an annoyed look. She had stood back up, but now the floor was covered in someone's lunch.

"I don't really eat in the cafeteria. The library is quieter." He said, pulling his dark bangs with silver tips in front of his face.

"Wait!" I said, putting two and two together. "You're Tiergan! Tam and Glimmer's kid! It's been forever since the last "family" reunion!"

"Um, yeah. Ellie, right?" I blushed and nodded.

"And I'm Willa!" Willa butted in, coming between me and Tiergan. She gave me a bemused look.

"Why would you eat in the library? Do your friends join you?" I said, getting back to the topic at hand.

"Oh, I don't really, um.." He trailed off, looking away.

"Oh, I'm sorry! You should sit with us at lunch! There's plenty of room and we all get along and-" I started, but Willa put her hand over my mouth.

"Ellie. You're rambling." She told me, and I blushed again. "Anyways, it was nice to meet you again Tiergan! I guess we'll see you at lunch tomorrow!" She turned back to him before pulling me down the hallway towards the gym lockers.

"You are hilarious." She told me as we walked away.

"Thanks for saving me," I mumbled.

"You really like him, don't you?" Willa laughed.

"No!" I protested, but I knew it wouldn't work. I was a terrible liar.

"Now I know you like him. You're such a bad liar!" She said, echoing my thoughts.

"So what if I do?!" I told her, and with that I licked the DNA strip on my locker and slipped inside.

To those of you wondering how a 13 year old just fit in a locker, kotlc book one talks about how the gym lockers are full rooms with showers.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter! Hope you liked it!

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