Part 3 - Girls ~ Chapter 25 - Ellie

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Sorry for not updating yesterday! We actually had the chapter ready, but totally forgot! Anyhoo, here it is!

We teleported back to my house, resulting in another pile of tangled limbs that used to be us.

"You're home!" My mom exclaimed, coming out of the house. "Dinner will be ready in five, and we are having a feast! Tiergan, I invited your parents over too since this is your day as well. I hope you don't mind!"

"Oh, no, that's fine!" Tiergan smiled.

"I'm going to go bring these up to my room," I said, nodding at the large pile of elephants I was holding.

"I can help!" Willa volunteered, so together we gathered up my purple army and set out for my room.

"So, why did you really come up here?" I asked when we had come in and shut the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on. I know you're not actually here because you wanted to help."

"Fiiiiiiiiiiine. Just... you and Tiergan are so adorable! He got you all these stuffed animals and ah! You guys are so cute!" She squealed.

"Shut up," I laughed.

"Make me!" She challenged. I rolled my eyes and flopped onto my bed. She followed my example.

"It was pretty sweet, wasn't it?"

"It was more than pretty sweet! You two are made for each other!" Willa laughed.

"Sorta like you and my brother." She froze, and then blushed a bright cherry red.

"What?! No! That's, that's BERSERK!"

"You sound like a grandma," I laughed.

"I mean it's crazy! I don't like your brother!"

"Well that's good, because we promised when we were kids, remember? Siblings are off limits. That's just gross." I said, thinking back to the day we'd made that promise. Or, night rather. It had been our first ever sleepover, when we were 6. We stayed up suuuuuuper late (ten o'clock) and giggled together over mallowmelt and cinnacreme. Kenric had come bursting into my room and tormented us for the next hour. When we finally got him to go away, we had made the promise. That way no matter what, Willa wouldn't have to marry Kenric. Now though, things were different. Sure he still annoyed us to death, but Kenric and Willa had also become close friends.

Willa blushed as she too remembered, but she was saved from further embarrassment by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called. Tiergan opened the door, crossing his arms and making an adorable pouty face.

"You promised me kisses if I went to the forbidden cities with you, and I have yet to receive any kisses!" I laughed and walked over, kissing him on the nose and making him blush.

"There. Now go get ready for a book and movie night, we have to educate you muggle on the magic of Harry Potter!" I told him.

"No, no, no, you can't get out of this that easily. You promised kisses," He said, enunciating the 'es'. "I'm not going anywhere until you deliver."

"Well I am!" Willa announced, standing up and walking to the door. "Have fun with your smooch fest!"

We both laughed as she left, but then he turned back to me. "Kisses. Now."

"You know, maybe I'll just hold off for a little bit," I teased. "I never said when I'd kiss you."

"Ellie!" He said, and then ran over, lips pursed. "Mwa mwa mwa!"

"No! It's the kissing monster!" I shrieked, then ran around my room, jumping over piles of empty paint bottles and brushes. Finally he cornered me and I gave up, smooshing my face into his.

In between kisses he whispered, "Now this is more like it,"


"Okay, so we'll start by reading the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Then we'll watch that movie, and then start the next book. I already have my mom out in the forbidden cities grabbing merch and snacks. We already own the movies and books. Oh! You know what, we need to introduce you guys to Percy Jackson next! They're even better than Harry Potter! But we'll start with this since we're all ready." I explained.

"Are we gonna read it out loud or do we have three extra copies of the book lying around somewhere?" Kenric asked.

"We can take turns reading chapters. We should be done before midnight if we're lucky!" I said enthusiastically.

"Midnight?!" Tiergan exclaimed. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Yes, midnight! It's worth it!" I told him. "Now, I'll start. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much..."


We had been reading for four hours and all of our voices were scratchy, but Willa and Tiergan had been hooked, nothing would stop them from finishing this book. I had eventually laid my head down on Tiergans lap, letting him play with my hair while I read. He had complained earlier of me not paying attention to him, only to the book, but then I threatened to stop reading and he instantly shut up. He did keep giving me little kisses on my nose and forehead, just to remind me he was there. I didn't mind.

When we had finally finished the book, Kenric and Willa got up to stretch their legs before we started the movie, while simultaneously arguing about whether or not Hermione should have been placed in Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. That left Tiergan and me sitting on the couch, snuggling.

He stroked a piece of my hair as he sat beside me. We had shifted our positioning so that he was sitting against the side of the couch with me next to him, holding his hand and leaning my head on his chest. As I pulled my feet up from the floor and tucked them under myself, brushing his leg on the way. Tiergan nearly jumped off the couch.

"Ellie!" He exclaimed. I jumped at the sudden sound.


"Your feet are so cold! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Huh? Oh, there's always like that. I've gotten used to it."

"Well you shouldn't have to be used to it!" He shifted slightly to pull his socks off. They were a super fuzzy pair his Aunt Linh had gotten him. He threw them at my face and I laughed as I put them on.


"Anytime," He told me.

"You know you're never getting these back, right?" I asked with a playful smile.

"Ellie! You can't keep stealing my clothes!"

"I have no idea what you mean." I said, nose in the air. He just laughed and pointed at my tunic, which just happened to belong to him. It was big on me, almost going past my knees, and fell off one shoulder slightly. "Well... your clothes are comfier!"

"I could buy you some fuzzy socks." He offered. I put a finger to my chin, pretending to consider.

"No. I like yours." He just rolled his eyes and pulled me back next to him, making sure I could cuddle with him more before Willa and Kenric got back. I giggled and leaned on him, and we sat like that all through the movie.

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