Part 3 - Girls ~ Chapter 28 - Willa

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I made my way into Foxfire with Ellie at my side. Today I had woven a few small braids into my hair, trying out a new style. Ellie, however, had put her hair in a messy bun and called it a day. She wasn't one for fancy hairstyles, or really fancy anything.

We approached Tiergan and Kenric, who were talking with some other guys about the upcoming tackle bramble season. Ellie grinned at me and then went up to Tiergan and hugged him from behind.


"Ah!" He exclaimed, turning bright red. "Ummmm hi? I'm just going to assume you're Ellie."

"No, I'm Councillor Bronte. Yes, I'm Ellie!" She laughed. He turned around to hug her properly and together they walked towards the school.

I just rolled my eyes and followed a few paces behind. I loved that they were a couple, heck, I played a role in orchestrating it, but sometimes they left me a little... left out. I knew Ellie still loved me, but now she had Tiergan and didn't need me as much. I wanted so bad to be happy for them, but it hurt.

"Willa!" I turned around to see Kenric coming up to me. He gave me a big grin, but then he saw my face. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him, trying to hide the sadness in my face. "Just... tired."

"Oh, no, you can't get away with that lie. I've seen you when you're tired, you turn into a raging beast. You once slapped me for burning your toast after a late sleepover with Ellie."

"Oh my gosh, I forgot about that! Sorry!"

"Nah, you're good. But my point is, you're not tired, you're upset. Do you want to talk or something?" No. Yes. Maybe. Could I really talk to Ellie's brother about my problems with her?

"No, I'm really fine, Kenric."

"Ughhhhhh girls. Why can't you just say what you mean??? Well, you're coming over my house tonight so I can figure out what's going on. Also, so you can teach me how to bake mallowmelt. Mom and Dad cut me off." I laughed.

"Okay, fine. I guess I'll see you then." I told him, and then sprinted off to my first class.


I stepped into the cafeteria, scanning for my friends. Finally, I spotted Tiergan and Kenric sitting at our normal table. Ellie hadn't arrived yet. As I walked over to sit down, I spotted her talking to some guy. I moved in for a closer look.

"So, why don't you sit with me today?" He was asking her as he threw his arm around her shoulder. She shrugged it off and moved away.

"No, I'm sitting with my friends."

"They can miss you for one day! Besides, I want to get to know you," He grinned at her, pulling a hand through his blonde hair.

"Look, it was nice meeting you Anders, but I have to go. Bye." She quickly said, and then walked away as fast as she could. I caught up to her before she reached our table.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, he's just a guy I met in the halls." She said, looking uncomfortable.

"Is he being a jerk? Should I beat him up?" I offered. I was tiny, but also very fast and strong. You had to be when you were constantly jumped on by packs of siblings.

"No! He's sort of annoying, but I'll just avoid him."

"Okay..." I told her, not convinced. "You just better not be cheating on Tiergan."

"Willa!" She almost shrieked. "You know I'd never do that!!!"

"I know," I laughed. "Just wanted to see your reaction." Together we joined the boys at our table and started eating.


"Willa! Come on!" Kenric said, running up to me after school. "You're coming to my house, right?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Will Ellie be there?"

"No, she's going out with Tiergan."


"Ahhhhh so that's what's making you upset! You miss Ellie!"

"I do not!" I protested.

"Whatever you say," Kenric smirked. "But you do realize this means I'll keep digging to find out why you're so pouty."

"I'm not pouty!"

"Okay, okay, upset," I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand to lead him towards the leapmaster.

"Are we going or not?"


I laughed as Kenric hit me with another pillow and jumped up onto his bed to grab more. We had started by just talking, but then he made the mistake of throwing a pillow at me, which resulted in all out war.

"Ha! Surrender now or it's death by pillows!" Kenric yelled triumphantly, throwing pillows left and right. I grabbed a particularly long one and slapped him in the face with it. I laughed as he fell over onto a pile of discarded pillows. Just as I was preparing to throw another pillow at him, the door opened.

"Ummmmmm what's going on in here?" Sophie asked, standing in the doorway.

"We're just using these as they were intended," Kenric said with an angelic smile, gesturing to the pillows strewn across the room.

Sophie gave Kenric a confused expression.

"They're called throw pillows, aren't they? We're using them the way they were meant to be used!" he laughed, and then threw a pillow at her.

"Uh huh..." Sophie sighed, used to her son's antics. "Have fun?"

"Thanks, Sophie," I laughed.

"See! That's the Willa I want to see! Was it so hard to smile?" Kenric asked when Sophie had left. I instantly made a pouty face, causing him to roll his eyes. "Oh, come on! Just tell me why you're sad! I can help!"

"I'm not sad!" I protested.

"Okay, that's it. I tried it this way, I guess I have no choice now." Kenric fake sighed and then grabbed my hand and led me to the edge of the room.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you out for milkshakes! If they can't make you happy, nothing will." Kenric grinned, and then sprinted across the room and pulled us into the void.

We're really sorry for not updating friday, things have been a little hectic. (which we know is the most used excuse ever). Anyhoo, we're going to try to get back to our normal schedule.

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