Part 1 - Girls ~ Chapter 10 - Willa

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I laughed as Ellie disappeared into her locker. I followed her example, stepping into mine and running for the shower. I stripped off my food covered clothes and let the warm, rainbow colored water run over me. It was hard to pull myself out, but I had my next class in fifteen minutes. I quickly pulled on my gym uniform and dried my hair. It was still dripping a bit, but I didn't have the time to be picky. I grabbed my books and ran for the Universe classroom, just barely making it on time.

"Glad you decided to show up," Sir Jarvin said with a smile. He had dark skin and hair he kept in long dreadlocks, as well as a warm smile.

"Sorry I'm a little late. And wet. Kenri- I mean, someone started a food fight in the cafeteria." I told him, hoping he didn't get the Kenric part. Kenric was a pain, but I didn't want him to get even more detentions.

"Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me. I don't think a few more detentions will teach him anything." Sir Jarvin laughed.

"I think you're right," I said, and he started the lesson. The Universe was one of my favorite classes, not because it was easy; memorizing all those stars was hard, but because Sir Jarvin was so kind and patient.

We worked through common constellations and he assigned homework before letting me go a bit early.

"You've earned it today,"

"Thank you Sir Jarvin!" I called before grabbing my things and walking to my locker. I wasn't sure what I was planning to do with my free time. I didn't want anyone to think I was ditching, but I couldn't go home without touching bases with Ellie. Eventually I decided on heading to my locker to work on my History homework. Or at least I would've if it weren't for Kenric Foster.

Just as I was turning the corner into the Level 2 Atrium, he called to me from a bench. "Willa! Wait- are you ditching? I never thought you would've had the guts!"

"I'm not ditching!" I immediately said, a little louder than I meant to. "My mentor let me out early."

"Ahhh, that explains it," He smirked. "I'm ditching. In case you hadn't guessed." I had to force back a giggle. "So, what do you want to do?"


"Yeah! We have about a half an hour left before the session is over, so what do you want to do?"

"Well I was going to do homework." I started, and he made a pouty face.

"You're no fun, Willa! Come on, it's not everyday you get one on one day with the amazing Kenric Foster!" I rolled my eyes.

"Thank goodness," He mocked offense, and I couldn't hold back a laugh.

"So you do have a sense of humor. Thank goodness! I was starting to think I was stuck ditching with a boring Miss Perfect."

"Oh I'm so not Miss Perfect. Who do you think gave you that hair?" I said, trying to copy his smirk.

"You're right, I should be thanking you! Pink is really becoming on me, don't you think? And the sparkles take it to a whole other level," He ran his hands through his still bright pink hair.

"I wasn't kidding about having to do homework, though. I have a bunch."

"Eh, save it for later! Tell me all the juicy gossip floating around the school!" I made a weird face.

"You want to hear about juicy gossip?" I asked him, incredulous.

"Hey, it's my job to know about everything going on in this school. So! Hmmmmmmm do you have a boyfriend or anything? Maybe a secret crush?" He asked, smirking and batting his eyelashes. I knew my face was bright red.

"No! I'm not the kind of person who cares about that stuff." I told him, turning so he couldn't see my tomato face. "Although there was that thing with El-" I cut myself off just before I had the chance to say Ellie's name. I couldn't believe I just said that!

"Ellie?! As in my twin sister?!" Kenric asked.

"No! Ummmm El, um... Eliza! She just started dating this guy. Very exciting. Everyone's thrilled." I ad libbed, hoping he couldn't see through my lie.

"Eliza's your five year old sister." Kenric said. "Has anyone ever told you you're a terrible liar?"

"Ughhhhh. Just leave it Kenric! You don't want to know. Besides, it's none of your business!" I relented.

"Okay, I can see I'm not getting anywhere. But believe me when I say anyone comes within a mile of my little sister I'll sucker punch them."

"I thought you and Ellie were twins," I said, confused.

"I'm three minutes older!" He said as if it were an amazing accomplishment. I had to laugh again.

"Wow, so grown up," I rolled my eyes. We chatted for the rest of my break, and even though I didn't get any homework done it was nice. Maybe Kenric wasn't so bad.

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