Operation Ask Ellie To The Galla Part 2 - Tiergan

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It was funny. Operation Ask Ellie To The Galla, as Willa had christened it, was what I looked forward to everyday after school. But something about it also had me dreading it. Mostly because of Willa and Kenric, or Team Killa, as Kenric insisted I call them, constantly teasing me about Ellie. Not in a mean way, but it always left me blushing until I looked like a tomato.

But even with all of their teasing, this was one of the most fun things I'd ever done. I loved Ellie, but I had never gotten to know Kenric and Willa as well as her. They were pretty amazing. Annoying, but amazing.

Willa was like this sweet, tiny, curly haired bean who could never do any wrong, but at the same time an evil genius who would judo-flip anyone who crossed her. A pjo reference? From us? It's more likely than you think.

And then there was Kenric. He was also poking fun and joking around, but I'd seen a whole new side of him when Willa got hurt. We were hanging a banner for something, and Willa accidentally stapled her finger. She went completely pale and started freaking out. Kenric instantly dropped to the ground next to where she had collapsed and made her look away while he gently pulled the staple out and wrapped her finger in a piece of fabric he had ripped off of his shirt. Instead of his normal jokes, he spoke to her in a steady, calming voice and helped her get to the healing center.

They were both so two-sided, in a good way of course, that it made me dizzy.

"Hellooooooo earth to Tiergan?" Willa laughed as I snapped out of my train of thought. "Kenric just asked where the next location is."

"Oh, right sorry. If it's okay with you, could we have it at your house?"

"Yeah, that works! Besides, Kenric and I will be spying the entire time anyways, so we might as well invite my siblings and parents to join us!" Willa grinned.

"Uh huh," I laughed. "Well don't let her see you at least."

"Oh, we won't! We'll be stealthy ninjas in the shadows!" Kenric said, making karate gestures. Willa joined him, and in their bright green Foxfire uniforms, they looked like the least stealthy ninjas ever.

"Yeah... sure." I laughed.

"Anyways, once we set it up at my house and the final destination, we'll be good to go!" Willa told me. This girl gets more excited when things happen to Ellie than when they do to her, but today she seemed a bit more somber. Sure, she was still joking around with Kenric, but there was something sort of sad in her eyes.

"You okay?"

"Ugh, dude, don't even try." Kenric jumped in. "I've been trying to figure out what's bothering her for days and she won't tell me."

"I'm fine! Just... tired. I'd better get home. I'll see you guys later!" She held up a home crystal and glittered away.

"Oh, come on!" Kenric groaned. "We scared her off!"

"What's going on?"

"I wish I knew. She's been a bit mopey, but trying to hide it. I think it might have something to do with Ellie. I've been dragging her all over the Lost Cities, and even in the Forbidden ones, just trying to get her to tell me what's going on."

"So that's what you two have been doing! Ellie and I were half convinced you guys were secretly dating or something. Always sneaking off together."

"What? No! No, we aren't, I mean, she doesn't, well," He was cut off by my laughing. "I mean, Willa wishes,"

"Yeah, sure man," I continued to laugh. "So you're not dating, but you do have a crush on her."

"Me?! What?! That's crazy!?" I gave him a look. "Yeah."

"Does Ellie know?"

"Of course not! Me having a crush on her best friend?! She'd kill me!"

"She might. Or she might become 'killa's' biggest fan, It's hard to tell with Ellie."

He sighed, knowing I was right. "I don't want to risk it. Besides, Willa freezes up anytime I even hint at liking her."

"Speaking as someone who had absolutely no experience with girls-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Dude, you have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, but only because you and Willa pushed us together! Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Yeah we did! Team killa for the win!"

"You know, it's sort of hilarious. Both of you are basically full time matchmakers, yet you are absolutely clueless when it comes to each other."

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm great with the ladies!" He protested.

"Then why aren't you guys dating?"

"Don't we have to keep working on your project?"

"Okay, okay, I'll let you off this time, but only because we actually do have to finish this up." I relented. We finished the rest of the set up without Willa, who hailed us later to say she was sorry for ditching us. After that, I went straight to bed, completely exhausted.

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