Part 1 - Girls ~ Chapter 4 - Willa

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As we entered the room, nothing seemed off. Sure, it was super messy, with paint platters and dirty clothes strewn about the floor, but that was normal for Ellie. She was the exact opposite of neat.

Then we decided to take a few more steps in. In an instant, I was soaking wet and freezing. I looked up in shock to see a now empty bucket held by a grinning Kenric.

"I'm going to kill you!" Ellie shrieked at him, already levitating toward him.

"Kenric!" I moaned, following her lead.

"Oops! I think mom must be calling me. Better go!" Kenric said and floated to the door. We heard his footsteps echo down the stairs and Ellie groaned.

"There's no use chasing him now. He's probably already locked himself in his room or something. Besides, my mom won't be happy if we get water everywhere." Ellie told me with a scowl. "You're lucky your siblings are younger."

I had to laugh at that. "Really? You want seven little Kenrics running around?"

"Okay, so maybe I misspoke. But still. Kenric's a monster."

"He can't be that bad,"

"Trust me, he is." She plopped onto her bed before realizing she was still wet and jumping off. "I have towels and stuff we can dry off with in my bathroom, and you can borrow some of my clothes."

"You're a lifesaver!" I told her. After drying myself off and changing into the teal tunic and leggings Ellie had lent me, we both decided to go downstairs, grab the mallowmelt, and then start building a fort, one of our sleepover traditions.

As we made our way to the bottom of the stone staircase, we saw it. Or rather, didn't see it. The mallowmelt was gone.

"Kenric!!!!" Ellie yelled, and I could have sworn the walls of the house shook.

As expected, Kenric didn't answer.

"He might not have done it," I offered, but Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Who just dumped ice water on us? Who has out-pranked my dad, the king of pranks? Who else would steal our mallowmelt?" When she put it that way, it probably was Kenric.

"What are we going to do?"

"We get him back." Ellie said with an evil grin that made me want to either jump on board with whatever she was planning, or call an asylum.

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