Part 3 - Girls ~ Chapter 26 - Willa

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I jumped out of bed the next day. I had stayed the night at Ellie and Kenric's sleeping in Ellie's trundle bed like I always did at her house. Normally at a sleepover we'd stay up talking for hours, but we had gone to bed at four in the morning after finishing the second harry potter book and movie, so the second we hit the bed we were fast asleep.

I looked over to see Ellie still asleep. That was normal. She slept in way longer than I did, and was almost impossible to wake up. Once I had even poured water on her and she had stayed asleep.

By the way, this is probably the most Hopie-ish aspect of Ellie. She sleeps like nobody's business. I (Ginger) literally poured water on her once and she didn't wake up.

"Oh great, here we go..." I groaned, ready to spend hours yelling, shaking, and practicing my kazoo skills to wake Ellie up. Thankfully, I was only halfway through my kazoo chorus when Tiergan and Kenric burst into the room, already dressed. "What are you guys doing in here? And how are you already awake?"

"We woke up about an hour ago," Kenric told me. "By the way, there might not be any mallowmelt left for breakfast..."

"Kenric!" I scolded, and then threw a pillow at him.

"Is Ellie still asleep?" Tiergan asked. As if by magic, Ellie turned over and sleepily opened her eyes.

"Tiergan?" She asked, rubbing her face.

"Oh, so you'll wake up for him and not me?!" I laughed.

"'Morning Ellie," Tiergan told her.

"Well now that she's awake we can share our plan," Kenric said, giving Tiergan a look.

"Oh no. what have you two come up with?"

"Relax! It'll be fun! I know of this great swimming hole that my aunt found a few years ago. It's far away from humans and has a bunch of places where you can swing into it on vines or jump in off of the cliffs!" Tiergan explained excitedly.

"That... actually sounds pretty awesome," admitted Ellie. I had to agree with her.

"Hey, why do you sound so surprised?" Kenric asked, giving a betrayed look. I threw another pillow at him.

"What time is it?" Ellie asked.

"Ummmmm" Tiergan pulled out his imparter and looked at the screen. "One in the afternoon. We slept through most of the day."

"Well, that's the perfect time to go swimming!" Kenric said. "You girls can grab breakfast and pack your bathing suits then meet us at the leapmaster, cool?"

"Sounds good!" I told him.

"Wait, did you clear this with our parents?" Ellie asked.

"Yep! They say it's fine."

"Then let's go get ready!"


I came out of Ellie's closet wearing the bathing suit I'd leaped home to grab. It had a white ruffly top with pineapples on it and a yellow bottom. "Ellie, are you ready yet?"

"Yeah!" She was wearing a boring black one piece bathing suit and had pulled her hair into a messy ponytail.

"Ellie! You can't go wearing that! It's boring!" I told her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"You're just like your mom."

"I'm allowed to like looking nice! Besides, you want to look cute for Tiergan, right?"

"Oh, come on. He doesn't just like me for my looks. And I don't dress up for boys anyways."

"Then dress up for me! I want to see my best friend looking awesome, not like a grandma!"

"I don't have any non-'grandma' bathing suits." She huffed. I stepped back into her closet, searching through for something with more color. Finally, I spotted a pale purple two piece with a criss-cross back.

"What about this?" I asked, holding it up.

"Oh. My dad got me that for my last birthday. I haven't worn it before," she blushed.

"Well today is the perfect opportunity! Just try it on!" I urged. She finally agreed and went into the closet to change. I waited until she had come out.

She had taken her hair out of the ponytail and now it hung down her face in silky blonde waves. Purple was definitely her color.

"You look amazing!!!!!" I told her. "Let me just do my hair, and then we can go to meet the boys." I quickly twisted the red strands into two french braids and then stood up and grabbed my flip flops and towel. "Okay, let's go!"

Together we headed upstairs to her leapmaster, where the boys were already waiting for us. "Took you long enough!" Kenric complained. He was wearing only swimming trunks, revealing his surprisingly strong arms and abs. I had to stop myself from blushing by quickly changing the subject.

"Well I had to convince Ellie into not looking like a- hey!" I had turned over to Ellie to see her wearing one of Tiergan's tunics over the bathing suit. "Come on, you look great! There's no reason to wear that!"

"Fiiiiiiine," she said, and pulled off the tunic.

"Ellie, you look great!" Tiergan smiled at her. "Don't worry."

"Thanks," she blushed. "Anyways, we'd better get to the beach. Is it even on the leapmaster?"

"Um, no.... But we figured out how to get there!" Kenric said. "You just have to go into Tiergan's mind and he can show you the beach, and then you can send it to me, and I can teleport us there!"

"That's surprisingly well thought out," I laughed. Ellie quickly grabbed the image from Tiergan's mind, and soon, we were freefalling off the leapmaster tower, screaming as Kenric pulled us into the void.

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